HBO: The Last of Us (April 13, 2025)

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Can't believe Mando abandoned Grogu and the way, then went off with this other kid! :wink1:
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Nick Offerman looks like Hagrid.

Now I'm imagining Voldemort attacking Hogwarts, and Hagrid cleaning house with a 12 gauge.

This all comes down to Bella Ramsey. If she can sell the father/daughter relationship between her and Pascal, then the show carries real gravity and impact. If not, this could end up pretty messy.

I'm going to say something that's unpopular to some but I believe Ellie's character construction would have far more depth if her love interest was a male instead of otherwise, in contrast to game canon. A male love interest creates a much more effective push/pull dynamic with Joel's overprotective nature. Story is driven by conflict, any story, and once you pair up Ellie with her game canon relationships, it neutralizes Joel entirely from that segment of the story. The "heart" of the show has to be Joel and Ellie and once you ride themes that exclude Joel, because you can't get within a thousand feet of saying anything even remotely critical about Ellie's love life, it's a narrative dead end.

I'm still a big believer that the original game was heavily influenced by Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. There's a lot of Roland/Jake in the general breakdown of Joel/Ellie in terms of reluctant partnerships.
A male love interest creates a much more effective push/pull dynamic with Joel's overprotective nature. Story is driven by conflict, any story, and once you pair up Ellie with her game canon relationships, it neutralizes Joel entirely from that segment of the story.
I mean by the time Ellie and Dina become a thing Joel's had his brains smashed in in a nine iron and is 6 feet under lol so it really doesn't matter how his character would factor in or be affected by Ellie's romantic relationships.
Looks great, love the cast. a-ha threw me off, need to hear more Gustavo Santaolalla score.
You can hear a little bit of the main theme right at the end but I also want to hear what Gustavo has done for the show, the song choice is most definitely a nod to the second game where Ellie plays and sings Take On Me.
Very good looking trailer. This will probably be amazing

Also you all can thank our savior sonic the hedgehog for showing the world that you can do video game adaptations right without screwing up the source material or inserting your wife as a non canon matrix character so you can fap to her.

I honestly think it's very middle of the road. The game looked better in every way, from framing to vibrancy and aesthetics. I'll probably watch the episode per week, but it's not wowing me. Then again I'm not a huge Post-Apoc fan, so the game itself was an "anomaly" for me in the first place. It's just that this feels like a watered down version of the original, not much else. The only way I could become invested instead of remaining a casual watcher, would be if they don't follow TLOU II and take the story to another direction; if they continue past TLOU I that is. The Chernobyl team is a good sign, but we'll see I suppose.
I'm going to say something that's unpopular to some but I believe Ellie's character construction would have far more depth if her love interest was a male instead of otherwise, in contrast to game canon. A male love interest creates a much more effective push/pull dynamic with Joel's overprotective nature. Story is driven by conflict, any story, and once you pair up Ellie with her game canon relationships, it neutralizes Joel entirely from that segment of the story. The "heart" of the show has to be Joel and Ellie and once you ride themes that exclude Joel, because you can't get within a thousand feet of saying anything even remotely critical about Ellie's love life, it's a narrative dead end.