HBO's Game of Thrones

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As far as main characters go, i think Jon, Dany and Tyrion are the main 3. But George RR Martin did say the story's all about the Stark kids...
Favorites? That is hard, cause there are so many great characters.

Ned Stark, he is after all the Paragon of Virtue.

Tyrion, he is such a well written character, and is a great foil to Joffrey.

Tywin, He plays his role better than I could imagine any other actor doing it. He is such an @$$#0(3, but that is one of the reasons I enjoy watching him.

Sandor (The Hound) Clegane, No better example of a characer that walks the line between good and evil, though often leans much closer to the darkness.
Jamie is just starting to fulfill that same type of role, and as the seasons go on will find much more honor and virtue.
I'm afraid to list a favorite as they will for sure die in the next episode.

I think Brann, Arya, Jaime, Tyrion, Jon Snow, Sam, Daenerys, The Hound and Theon are the only characters we can sorta be sure won't die. At least anytime soon. But Ned was basically the "main" character for most of season 1 and we know how that turned out. :dunno

Robb has been my favorite character from the start and remains so. Following him would be...

2. Theon
3. Daenerys
4. Jaime
5. Varys or Arya

I think Brann, Arya, Jaime, Tyrion, Jon Snow, Sam, Daenerys, The Hound and Theon are the only characters we can sorta be sure won't die. At least anytime soon. But Ned was basically the "main" character for most of season 1 and we know how that turned out. :dunno

Robb has been my favorite character from the start and remains so. Following him would be...

2. Theon
3. Daenerys
4. Jaime
5. Varys or Arya

No Tyrion on your list? He's my favorite. I think he or Arya would be the best fit for the Iron Throne in the end. They get people. They know what it takes to control and rule them. And they are for the most part, kind hearted and decent, despite being on opposite sides of the war.
No Tyrion on your list? He's my favorite. I think he or Arya would be the best fit for the Iron Throne in the end. They get people. They know what it takes to control and rule them. And they are for the most part, kind hearted and decent, despite being on opposite sides of the war.

Probably the reason they won't, westeros is a cruel place
Favorites? Hmm...

Main Characters:
- Ned Stark (Deceased)
- Catelyn Stark
- Daenerys Targaryen
- Tyrion Lannister
- Tywin Lannister
- Jaime Lannister
- Cersei Lannister

Supporting Characters:
- Lord Varys
- Lady Olenna Redwyne
- Brienne of Tarth
- Renly Baratheon (Deceased)
- Maester Luwin (Deceased)
- Irri (Deceased)
- Ros (Deceased)

As you can see, my supporting character list hasn't fared so well. :lol

The Lannisters are by far the most interesting family of them all.

Some characters were favorites of mine to begin with, but as the show went on I grew tired of their storyline. Jon Snow was an instant favorite, but his trek north of the Wall couldn't be less interesting to me, including Ygritte. I groan when they appear onscreen. Theon was also a favorite, but he made some poor decisions to make me despise him. I feel redemption in him, but now with his endless torture, I'm bored.

Arya and Sansa Stark were characters I never connected with, nor do I care if they live or die. I have a feeling they will make it to the end, but I'll be damned if Sansa, despite all she's endured, isn't the most disinteresting character we've met. Arya is a cool little girl with her bows and arrows, but I just don't care for her.

Some of my favorites are hardly a blip on the radar for most viewers, but were portrayed so well. For instance, although Irri is in 13 episodes, she's a rather minor character. However, that actress had several moments where she really flexed her acting moments to make the audience connect with her. Her despair after Rakharo's horse comes back with his head comes to mind.

In addition to the writers, the actors really are what make this show work. They're fantastic. I have no complaints with them.
My favorites
Tyrion Lannister
Lord Varys
Jamie Lannister
Brienne of Tarth
Ary Stark
The Hound
Jagen H'ghar :love

My NOT so favorites
Cersai Lannister
Margery Tyrell
Lord Baelish
King Joffrey ...
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No Tyrion on your list? He's my favorite. I think he or Arya would be the best fit for the Iron Throne in the end. They get people. They know what it takes to control and rule them. And they are for the most part, kind hearted and decent, despite being on opposite sides of the war.
Tyrion is probably the best character in the series, but right now I'm a bit Tyrion-ed out to be honest. :lol

My full list will be changing often except for my favorite, Robb, and my next two: Theon and Dany.

The same could be said for Daenerys now IMO. But even more so, she's not afraid to make the harsh decisions like I assume Tyrion might be.

Her character has developed so much since the first season. She's greatly matured and you can tell she is starting to understand how the world works and what people are really like. She's not the same naive little girl she's always been. She's the ****ing Mother of Dragons now (with a gentle heart).

I think the whole incident with Xaro Xhoan Daxos really woke her up and I love that line she had... "Thank you Xaro Xhoan Daxos. Thank you for teaching me this lesson"

My favorites
Tyrion Lannister
Lord Varys
Jamie Lannister
Brienne of Tarth
Ary Stark
The Hound
Jagen H'ghar :love
I really love some of the minor characters too like Bronne and Jaqen H'ghar. Jaqen was absolutely stunning IMO, I'm just so sad that he now has to be played by a different actor. :( :lol

:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:lol :lecture
No Tyrion on your list? He's my favorite. I think he or Arya would be the best fit for the Iron Throne in the end. They get people. They know what it takes to control and rule them. And they are for the most part, kind hearted and decent, despite being on opposite sides of the war.

Is this a different Arya? The show I've been seeing has a young girl that's traumatized, vengeful and impulsive. I'm not saying her heart isn't generally in the right place, but she's a loooong way from "getting" most people (she's too wrapped up in her own pain to really do so) and making rational choices, not driven by her need to even the score, is still a serious challenge for her.
Is this a different Arya? The show I've been seeing has a young girl that's traumatized, vengeful and impulsive. I'm not saying her heart isn't generally in the right place, but she's a loooong way from "getting" most people (she's too wrapped up in her own pain to really do so) and making rational choices, not driven by her need to even the score, is still a serious challenge for her.

Well, she might not quite be there yet in the show but I definitely felt like she does continue to learn and she does start to understand people like Tyrion does. She's just as smart as him IMO. They're the two I'd keep my eye on if I was in Westros.
Arya is still a bit too young and reckless right now for us to really have a good guess of how she'll turn out IMO.