Super Freak
Damn Stannis really wants that throne, hopefully this leads to Ramsey getting what is coming to him.
Very cool ending.
Yeah, same here. This episode was about 100 times worse than the Sansa scene from earlier in the season that some feminists were getting up in arms about or whatever. Just brutal. The scene with Stannis's daughter may have been the hardest scene I've watched yet from this show.this episode made me a little sick to my stomach. Way too much violence against little girls........just really disturbing
I don't know if it's so much that he's brainwashed. Several of his decisions leading to this point weren't driven by Melissandre or religion so much as his concerns over taking Winterfel before the long winter had really set in, and his inflexibility. Once he makes a decision, he sticks to it despite any argument to the contrary, and so once he had committed to taking on the Boltons, that was it, and he's now willing to do anything to finish the job. But yeah, I was beginning to really like the bastard earlier in the season. No more. I hope he dies in a very painful way, even if Ramsay is the one responsibleVery suprised on Stannis cant believe he's so brainwashed by the evil red witch and her evil god. I hope they make it to the damn castle , Stannis has to he used his last card in the fight and better pray his sacrifice wasnt for nothing. Its Still totally messed up desperation and i'd be afraid to be in Stannis army all heads can roll no matter who u are.
On another note, the scene at the end was amazing. Not just because of the dragon, either. It had my heart rate up and my palms sweaty with anxiety.
I don't know why I've never discussed this show on here before, considering the fact that I watch it religiously. Hardhome was a fantastic episode and it set a very high bar, but The Dance of Dragons. This season has been filled with some amazing spectacles. First the White Walkers, now Drogon; it really does seem like we're starting to witness the blossoming of those seeds planted so long ago. What an amazing episode, what a horrible episode; it's just a whirlwind of emotions.
I find that scene with Shireen was simultaneously both more horrifying and more poignant because it's so reflective of our own world. The power of belief and the danger of fanaticism; it was heartbreaking. You look at his interaction with her earlier in the season, and it's difficult to say that he didn't love her, but it shows just how weak he actually is. The "sacrifice" was his last ditch attempt to continue his campaign. His men are starving, freezing, and they're facing a difficult battle, if they even make it to Winterfell, and there's a good chance that this would be the moment where he resigns himself to the fact that he was never meant for the Iron Throne.
...and then there's Dany. I feel like the episode worked on so many levels because of the duality of the two campaigns. Both Daenerys and Stannis are vying for the same goal, but one is willing to do the unthinkable and the other is not, and, ultimately, it shows you who the more capable leader is. If we're rationalizing things, one could argue that Stannis was simply allowing the wellbeing of his followers to outweigh his own, but you have to ask yourself, "at what cost," and "is a man capable of sacrificing an innocent child, let alone his own daughter, someone who should be king?" While, on the other hand, you have Daenerys.
It really is beautiful, because you see both sides to that aforementioned "power of belief." She betrayed her own beliefs by allowing the fights to continue, in order to appeal to the sensibilities of the Sons of the Harpy, and, when that failed, she was willing to pay for that mistake. To accept that, perhaps, her destiny wasn't to be Queen, but, rather, to die having never even set foot in the Kingdom she was meant to rule. I think that these past couple episodes have really showed us who, out of the many, many, many, many, many horrible, despicable people of Westeros are actually worth rooting for. Now, let's just hope that they don't die in horrible ways before the series ends.