HBO's Game of Thrones

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I like that it was the mother that broke down - a woman who showed no lover for her daughter at any time, no empathy, no concern. The woman that brought Melissandre to Stannis in the first place, and believes in her religion fanatically. And yet, what they were doing was such a horrendous act, so inhuman, that she was the one to try to stop it. Having that happen made Stannis seem all the more cruel and evil for his actions.

Yeah, for reals, I didn't think she would have. Very unexpected.
Kinda surprised Stannis didn't kill Davos preemptively, now that I think about it. I guess he's hoping Davos will return with men and then he can take him out, at that point (guessing Davos will now be implacably opposed to Stannis and maybe want to kill him). Melisandre did say he had a part to play in the coming war, though, so maybe Stannis is mindful of that, also.
It would be exteremely odd on this show for a strong-willed, powerful character like Ellaria Sand to break down in tears like she did, humbled in front of Doctor Bashir and others, without there being some repercussions. I don't suspect her oath of fealty is meant to be remotely genuine, and she and her daughters (I think they are her daughters? :lol ) are going to attempt to usurp Bashir, and/or kill Jaimie's kids/Jaimie himself/Cersei. That story ain't over.

I forgot he was in DS9 :lol.
Mercy...I knew it was coming based on what Melissandre was wanting and Stannis's dire situation but damn it was heartwrenching. I think Davos knew since he was pushing to take her with him, knowing Melissandre, and his parting gift was the Stag to comfort her.

Those SotH surprised me. I didn't think they would be that bold. How many Unsullied did she have? Seems like she has no army at all the way it appears. It also appeared Drogon was easier to kill than I'd thought. He took several spears that did damage. I figured the dragon scales would be harder to pierce. Loved seeing him in action though.

Not one Neverending Story gif yet...

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Drogon didn't die, though...

As for what happened to Shireen, it was immensely graphic. But, ancient rulers and military leaders used to do this kind of thing all the time. I remember from Korean history, during the time of the Three Kingdoms, it was ritualistic for generals to slaughter their own families before facing insurmountable odds. Perhaps as an appeasement to their gods, or to motivate them to fight to the death.

I think Stannis loved his daughter more than anything else. But, he believed he was a tool of "destiny" and didn't have any other choice, but to follow through with the path that was given to him. It's a **** excuse, but that's essentially what Melisandre was brainwashing him into believing.
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I like that it was the mother that broke down - a woman who showed no lover for her daughter at any time, no empathy, no concern. The woman that brought Melissandre to Stannis in the first place, and believes in her religion fanatically. And yet, what they were doing was such a horrendous act, so inhuman, that she was the one to try to stop it. Having that happen made Stannis seem all the more cruel and evil for his actions.

Yes, but, it also makes it seem like inconsistent characterisation in a way - the mother has always seemed so cold and emotionless. While Stannis showed tenderness and love for his daughter earlier in this very season and yet he just lets it happen in the end while the mother suddenly weeps? Weird.

Anyway, Stannis rejoins the ''hope he dies'' list.

Overall, another incredible episode. Every scene. The production values never cease to amaze and the CGI when used is better than that of most blockbuster movies. The final set-piece had some major goosebump moments. Great reaction acting from Emilia Clarke, her face said it all at times and yet you know she was probably just looking at green screen for some of the key stuff.
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Let me first say that I Love this show, but, as a Father of 2 daughters, burning Shireen really made me hate the show for a little while. It seemed such a betrayal to Stannis' character, and like many others has made me switch from indifference to revulsion for the character.

All I want now is for Davos to stick a dagger in Stannis' belly and watch him die slowly.

The last time I felt so angry about what happened on this show was when Ned Stark got decapped, after that I made sure to read the books first, but now we are in uncharted territory.
After making him so impossibly contemptible, I'm thinking the last person likely to get it in the next episode is Stannis.

I also thought it was brilliant having her mother lose it. She has been the most fanatical believer in Melissandre's retinue to date, and she has never shown love for her daughter, but even she couldn't handle it.

Stannis played the stoic, and poorly given the condition of his face. But he took it because that is what he does. I wasn't surprised. When has he ever let anything obstruct his forward progress?
I feel like I've been sort of desensitized, over the years, by all of the contemptible acts. When I watched the execution, there was the initial shock, but the sequence of events, in my head, was like "oh my god, that is horrible, those screams are haunting; those are actually really good, chilling screams. I wonder if the actress is screaming, or if they would hire someone to dub only the screams? Man, that job seems like it would be rough on your vocal chords; 'professional screamer.' Oof. It hurts just thinking about it."
I agree, the screams though...Wathced it again and I think it even sounds like it mustve been the young actress...Those shrieks are filled with agony...thats what it that next week is the final....Does anyone think that the mountain will play a role in Cersei's freedom if there is one? The maester told her that the "work continues".....Also, I feel like I heard Jaime's voice talking to her in the previews.
I feel like I've been sort of desensitized, over the years, by all of the contemptible acts. When I watched the execution, there was the initial shock, but the sequence of events, in my head, was like "oh my god, that is horrible, those screams are haunting; those are actually really good, chilling screams. I wonder if the actress is screaming, or if they would hire someone to dub only the screams? Man, that job seems like it would be rough on your vocal chords; 'professional screamer.' Oof. It hurts just thinking about it."

I thought the exact same thing. :lol
It was a little too "How to Train Your Dragon" for me. :lol

I dont understand how she just flew away on the dragon and left all her close friends in the middle of the arena to fend for themselves against terrible odds without any care in the world. I thought for sure she would direct drogon to fly back and burn all the rebels, but instead she just flew away. Seems very out of character for her, wtf? :cuckoo:
Seems to be an unpopular season altogether with the book readers on facebook.
Then they should stick to the books IMO. This has been a great season!

I dont understand how she just flew away on the dragon and left all her close friends in the middle of the arena to fend for themselves against terrible odds without any care in the world. I thought for sure she would direct drogon to fly back and burn all the rebels, but instead she just flew away. Seems very out of character for her, wtf? :cuckoo:
LOL Made for a nifty visual, though! Seems like all the mask wearing rebel guys all died or fled at that point anyway, meaning Tyrion et al. weren't in much danger, but it does beg the question of why she flew off at all. Either she needed to escape, or just wanted to be dramatic. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, and assume she knew everyone was safe, and simply wanted to help the dragon recuperate from its wounds.
I thought that part where she flew off on drogon looked jokes (bad)

Not sure how they could have made it look any better or realistic but it wasn't very well done. They should have not done the close up of her on its back
I don't think she thought much of Daario, Jorah or Tyrion in that moment. She just wanted to do whatever she could to save Drogon. Her dragons are like children to her. She also could have been thinking that if she left, the Sons of the Harpy would leave as well.
I thought that part where she flew off on drogon looked jokes (bad)

Not sure how they could have made it look any better or realistic but it wasn't very well done. They should have not done the close up of her on its back

I think my main problem with the whole scene was how calm her hair was - it hardly moved. They needed to put a giant fan in front of her, and possibly under her, to make the movement of her hair much more consistent with what it would be doing if she were riding a real dragon while it flew through the air. I think that alone would've made the scene much more believable. As for the CG itself, I thought it was pretty good - particularly for a TV show.