Could be worse. Arya could kill the group in their sleep, steal the equipment she needs along with Sheerans face and run around for the rest of the season trying to get close enough to Sersi wearing that ginger mask.
Based on the backlash I've seen so far, I suspect that would push more people over the edge and away from Game of Thrones than the Sansa rape did last season. Again, not knowing who this guy was at first, I thought the scene was fine, if a bit odd in being so sweet. Usually in Game of Thrones, if you see folks talking about being good to their fellow man, and having kids back home, etc., something horrible and stinking of death is lurking just around the corner But here, if it was part of the overall narrative, you might see this experience as dampening Arya's murderous impulses a bit by humanizing those who she sees as her enemy. But most of what she has experienced thus far has been pushing her in the opposite direction. Exemplified by the fact that she didn't seem to care at all for the Hound or Brienne's protection in season 5, even though both ultimately had her wellbeing in mind.