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Did that ending go down in the books?
Haven't gotten that far into A Dance of Dragons, yet, to know exactly how Jon gets set-up (i.e., the uncle Bengen thing), but yes, he's stabbed by a bunch of the Night's Watch and his fate is left up in the air. Knowing about it, I was expecting Jon to get betrayed this episode, but they still took me by surprise when Jon broke through the crowd only to see a "traitor" sign... damn, that was tough!
My theory...

Melissandre's arrival seems WAY too coincidental. She clearly knows that Stannis will fail. So she goes to Castle Black. I have to believe it's for Jon Snow. She really could have gone anywhere at that point. In fact, there's no reason to go TOWARD Davos at that point. She knows he hates her. He has even more reason to now, even if he never finds out the details about Shireen. I think the Lord of Light will bring Jon back.
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My theory...

Melissandre's arrival seems WAY too coincidental. She clearly knows that Stannis will fail. So she goes to Castle Black. I have to believe it's for Jon Snow. She really could have gone anywhere at that point. In fact, there's no reason to go TOWARD Davos at that point. She knows he hates her. He has even more reason to now, even if he never finds out the details about Shireen. I think the Lord of Light will bring Jon back.
Yep, I'd be surprised if that didn't happen. Martin and the show writers have done a fantastic job of setting everything up so that when it does happen, there is a precedent set long ago and it'll feel plausible in that context. Don't think you need a spoiler tag for a theory, by the way, but I've kept my reply vague all the same. ;)

Thinking about it now, maybe that played into why they dropped Lady Stoneheart. Having two main characters resurrected/saved (we don't know yet if Jon actually dies) by the Lord of Light might've seemed a bit excessive in the context of the TV show.
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I'll say. I kind of needed a push to get back into the most recent book and this is it. Will at least occupy me for a couple of weeks or so, then I'll just have nine or ten months to go before the next episode.

****ing Game of Thrones :lol I have to say, you guys are giving me a sliver of optimism I probably shouldn't have regarding Snow. Better to just accept the worst and not be disappointed when nothing happens next season :lol It took all these seasons to finally get the audience 100% behind Jon, and then this. I don't know about those watching it on TV, but on HBONow, the producers talk about that scene, and say that Jon is very similar to Ned in that he isn't cautious enough, and is too much of a traditional, noble hero for this world.
**** this show.

Don't give up faith in the show just yet, Josh! Things are likely not as they seem.

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the ACTUAL traitors made a sign that said traitor.
Yeah, that was rich. :lol

Any other episode and I think more of us would be talking about Arya's murder of Trant, but man, that was epic. Even expecting a grisly end for him, have to say the brutality was still shocking. Loved how that was shot, too. Reminded me a lot of the Ring girl just before Arya took off her mask and attacked. Definitely got what he deserved.

Also, how awesome was it to see Clegane back from the dead (even if he's undead, now...)? Guessing the High Sparrow and his Faith Militant are in for some trouble next season. Imagine Cersei's going to make good on her promise to kill that nun in the most horrific way possible, too.

Sad to see Stannis sacrificed his daughter for that. For some reason I think they cut away just before Brianne's killing stroke because she's going to end-up sparing him, but we'll see.

And then Myrcella... felt bad for her. Just too much happened in this episode to process everything. Looking forward to reading some good reviews of the finale/season in the coming days and getting my thoughts on everything in order.
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Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the ACTUAL traitors made a sign that said traitor.
Well I guess that depends on your perspective! One thing that surprises me a bit about that situation is that, following the battle at Hardhome, the rest of the Night's Watch knew the threat that the zombie army could present, and should have realized more strongly than ever the need for the support of the Wildlings. I'm curious where they planned to go from there? Are the Wildlings still stationed at Castle Black? Do they plan on trying to kill them all now?
Well I guess that depends on your perspective! One thing that surprises me a bit about that situation is that, following the battle at Hardhome, the rest of the Night's Watch knew the threat that the zombie army could present, and should have realized more strongly than ever the need for the support of the Wildlings. I'm curious where they planned to go from there? Are the Wildlings still stationed at Castle Black? Do they plan on trying to kill them all now?
Yeah, I was wondering about those things, too. Wildlings probably outnumber them many times over, so difficult to see their plan. And if they were going to betray Jon and want the Wildlings dead, wouldn't the easiest way have been to simply not open the gate and let them all starve to death outside? These questions, and many more, will all be answered next season!


What a crazy episode, Hope Melisandre showed for a reason now the long wait to find out.
When she first appeared at Castle Black, I wanted to see Davos kill her in a fit of rage. Now, of course, I'm glad she showed up with the hope that she'll be instrumental in bringing Jon back somehow. She has shown a strong interest in him in the past, and it seemed very odd for her to just leave Stannis's troops and head to Castle Black that way, as pointed out here.

I'm wondering what motivated her to leave Stannis to begin with? Was she just seeing the writing on the wall, or was the Lord of Light talking to her or something?

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