It’s too on the nose levels of bad decisions and obvious happenings that everyone is just ignoring except the Queen yet she never ratted out Cole from the previous episode.
Nothing makes any sense especially the King lol
The Targaryeans in HOTD make more sense if you imagine them as a modern family but with a long painful streak of apparent mental illness running through it.
Young Queen Alicent was in a bind. She vouched for the Princess. Also she watched her father be deposed for being the bringer of bad news. The series foreshadowed it when Daemon beat down that messenger who told him that a support fleet was coming to help him kill the Crab King. The King clearly just ignores bad news. Which is also a function of his clear mental illness. So what are her choices? Tell the truth, then be shut down and maybe executed? I mean if the King doesn't believe her, then Alicent looks like she's incapable of basic politics and that she's disloyal for ratting out her former best friend. If the King does believe her, to hide the shame, he might have her strangled and then kill off her father for good measure. Instead, Alicent knows she has Cole's loyalty forever. Instead of watching him die too for what gain?
When Older Queen Alicent scolds her son, you could see the lunacy running through that kids eyes the entire time.
This may be why the dragons bind to them as they do. That chaos inside of those nutjobs matches the pure insanity of those dragons. Think about it if you were a dragon in that world, you'd look at one of those blonde haired psychopaths and think "Wow, we got so much in common. Let's play some Wordle together"
There's always been a part of me that felt that Tywin Lannister killed his wife. Tyrion was born and he looked nothing like the other children. Maybe she cheated or Tywin felt she did, and then murdered her. And that might explain why Tyrion was not insane like Joffrey or his brother or his sister. You could even see the shades of that self destructive pathology in Tommen.
These are crazy people, but they are in positions of power. And if they weren't, they are good looking. It's unreal how much good looks operates as currency in all societies across human history.
IMHO, where the show is going, I believe the point is to try to make the audience believe the Princess is the only sane capable one, but in reality, she's actually the most insane. Even Daemon said it this past episode - The price of real power is constant worry and accountability and duty and obligation. The Princess has the title and the seat held for her, but has endured none of the real responsibility or struggle for it. Again, the last episode, Older Alicent is the one to point out that military occupation costs a vast sum of money and it's just not that simple to hold land and castles far away from their power base. Whereas the Princess has it easy to criticize when she's not the one raising coin or dealing with spies or training an army. That also goes back to Dany in Quarth, where she asks for ships but can't explain why to the Lord in front of her why it's a good business decision on his part to help her right then and there.
Something I've learned as I've gotten older - As mentioned before, if you are hot as hell, you can get away with all kinds of crazy for a while. Like Amber Heard. Or if you are funny and interesting, you can also get away with some crazy. What people won't tolerate is ugly and crazy or boring and crazy. Or poor and crazy.