If theres a dirt cheap sale you really should let us know too in case we may want to buy one rather than bragging that you got one dirt cheap and not telling us where until its no longer on sale
Orrrrr i could be part of a forum where people discuss what items and interests they share in common and assume that people would look after one another and bring up flash sales and special offers because its the thing to do.
And if I'm interested in something I'm always checking for good deals. I'm not waiting for someone to update a thread for a good deal on a statue/action figure. Maybe I'll get a deal on Birkin. I'll keep you posted if it gets markdown.
Im not interested in the piece, and even if i was i wouldnt be able to get it at a good Price from your amazon anyway as the price of postage would be astronomical.
Orrrrr i could be part of a forum where people discuss what items and interests they share in common and assume that people would look after one another and bring up flash sales and special offers because its the thing to do.
I thought that is what this forum was for then soon realised it wasn't. With this being a specific hobby (I don't know anyone else personally who collects statues ect) that people would be more friendly ect but turns out this place is like anywhere else. Oh well.
Tyrant really isn't that bad. I don't think the pictures do him justice but the photos I took are a pretty good representation of the statue. The sculpt is fantastic, the head could use a minor re-tooling near the teeth but the body is great and the claw is easily the best part about him. The claw is HUGE and it's menacing and it has a gigantic presence. Tyrant compliments Nemesis insanely well. After having both in hand, I know HCG is hated for their paint apps but I think they went for a specific style, and to me, it seems very comic-like. Is it appropriate for RE? No, but I think they did a pretty good job considering no one else has tackled the RE line besides Gaya, which are 1/8 scale.
My nitpicks with the statue are primarily the veins: should have a little more detail or transparency for them. Otherwise, the teeth are a little too yellow or shiny or not gritty/dirty enough, but again, the whole paint app screams "comic style" to me.