He who dies with...

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Looking at this collection makes me feel so much better that I sold off all my Hasbro stuff.

I'll take my SS/GG collection over that stockroom any day.
I would trade all of his TIE fighters for a Patient Zero any day of the week. :monkey3
He's still no Steve Sansweet. And I've seen people with Lego collections that are even bigger (no joke, they have lego sets everywhere in their house). At least it's displayed kind of good.
It is threads/people like that (and other places too) that really make me wish I was not addicted to the internet and message boards.....
Wow I wish I had that six foot falcon. It was really huge and I wish I could have got the one from my TRU. I was just a kid then but I would have given someone at TRU a few hundred for it. It is amazing. How much do they go for anyway. One the other things is this guy crazy or what.
I saw one sold on eBay recently for $800. There's a current listing for $1800. Here's an image from the $800 auction. That guy is an idiot for keeping this bad boy boxed up.

It's a big collection for sure and he has it nicely displayed, but as someone else said I'll take my SS, GG, Code 3 etc. stuff any day of the week over all the Hasbro stuff.

I had a ton of Hasbro stuff. Not quite as much as this guy, but not far from it either. I GAVE it all away to my 10 year old cousin with the exception of a few 12" that I kept.
Yup... glad you guys agree with me for the most part. He actually took offense when I called his collection a stock room. I'm not trying to be mean... just calling it as it is. Says that he's not trying to brag or anything but that's what he ends up doing. Lame.

I only have one TIE Fighter and I suppose I wouldn't mind one more, but a squadron of 30+ TIE fighters lined up in such a boring fashion, and the rest of them all boxed up... it actually makes me groan out loud.

Oh well. I wish I could get all those TIE fighters and give them to toys for tots or something.
Darklord Dave said:
It does look pretty cool with all those TIEs lined up, but I don't understand the 6' Falcon box either.
i bet he doesn't have it...that box, ...i could do that.
I wish that I could get ahold of one of the those store displays sometime. I will not drive to new york though to get it so. I will just wait until I find one that is shippable.
CoheteBoy, that's some funny stuff!

A stockroom? Hoarding? Yeah that's pretty much what it is. I've never been one to critisize other's collecting habbits, but there reaches a point where obsession takes over. And at that point you loose alllove for the hobby. I garuantee you I get more joy out of owning a vintage Jedi Luke, a figure thousands of people have, than he gets out of all that stuff.

To me it's like the people that ran out and bought multiple copies of The Death of Superman in the early 90s. In hopes that it'd turn to gold in the next decade.
Good God!!! That is a LOT of clones!!! I mean... just imagine how much all of those guys would cost??!!

And I agree it would look loads better if lined up in neat rows. Just looks insane the way it is now...
i bet he got them wholesale from the manufacturer, which means like $2-4 a piece if these were sold for around $5-7?

so i think it cost him at least over the thousands
Looks like a toystore with all the repeats. It's cool and I'm not throwing the guy under a bus, but I like pics of people's schwag where there is more variety and obscurity. Still a cool showing though.
These aren't mine, but I saw this awhile back on the Statue Forum. You want to talk about some serious money, check out how many Medicom Stormtroopers this guy owns.


Darth Waller said:
These aren't mine, but I saw this awhile back on the Statue Forum. You want to talk about some serious money, check out how many Medicom Stormtroopers this guy owns.


THAT i really wouldn't mind having :D
incredible, maybe he phtoshoped haha jk
Based on the tone of this discussion, I think it would be best not to show you folks pics my collection--it would literally make your brains explode trying to understand "Why?" =)
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