Heath Ledger Joker Customs

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Cut and dry? Perhaps, but I’m fair on everything.

If a part of a Ledger custom suit is wrong or bad, I mention it, regardless if I own it. If JazzInc has bad QC, I mention that too. Oh HT ruined ‘89 Batman, acknowledged. Inart has bad QC and significant drop offs from Protos, again, acknowledged. JND green waistcoat is a terrible cut that looks like he’s being suffocated, mentioned. I’m in the pursuit of accuracy, so whenever I disagree it’s because I know something is wrong and I go into detail on exactly why it is.
No one came to Mr Mom’s defense, I spoke about QC issues, why can’t you? They’re apparent are they not? The sole topic of concern is QC, have that debate instead but you won’t.

Cool story about your Indiana Jones, here we go, bragging about how much one’s spent on a custom (guarantee I could buy that) then having the audacity to call us elitists. Get a grip dude, you’re the very thing you’re denouncing. You boasted about how the people with QC issues regarding JazzInc can’t afford their products and are just jealous.

It’s not wise to call people you know nothing about broke on the internet. Further than that? To speculate that their reasoning can solely be coming from a financial place instead of the reality of not dumping money into a below standard product.

I am not coming from a financial place, I qualified my position as being denounced a random by stating have have a vested interest in the hobby, you chose to go financial because for whatever the reason that is what is a focus for you. You struggle with people differing from you and seek to get attention by trying to show unique discern for figures as "striving for perfection", which is cool. Having a large collection doesn't make one a elitist though that's a weak attempt.

You don't need to worry, I'm blocking you after this chat. You bring nothing to the table interesting to me and the DC boards will be cleaner without drivel and better for it in my feed. Cheers!
Don’t see why it would.

As to your comment in the bane thread, I never said anything about Hot Toys or custom sculpts being better so I don’t know why you were even bringing that up. I was talking about how that sculpt looked with custom paint and hair.

IMO that interrogation sculpt was a big let down compared to the prototype.
That was at the tail end of the back and forth.

All figures degrade from Proto to Final, IMO.
Wish I could find a Kato waistcoat but they’re practically impossible to come by these days.
A new Kato run would be fantastic. His purple coat and waistcoat are so good, all this time later. No doubt he’d best those old attempts now.

I still need to source a sculpt for his traditional makeup look, as I’ve only got interrogation covered. Though that sculpt might look good with the full suit similar to how Adam’s interrogation sculpt does, we’ll see.
Im satisfied currently with my Ledger setup but wouldn’t hesitate to purchase another clothing set as long as there is noticeable improvement from what I have.

At this rate the figures I’m obsessing over improving are my Patman, Nicholson Joker, 89 Bats, and Begins Batman. However if I am able to get into contact with JH Studio I will probably get a Man of Steel figure put together with a custom sculpt.
Im satisfied currently with my Ledger setup but wouldn’t hesitate to purchase another clothing set as long as there is noticeable improvement from what I have.

At this rate the figures I’m obsessing over improving are my Patman, Nicholson Joker, 89 Bats, and Begins Batman. However if I am able to get into contact with JH Studio I will probably get a Man of Steel figure put together with a custom sculpt.
I think it’s pretty cool that you’re always looking to tinker and enhance stock figures. Isn’t Aragorn also part of that list?

The only custom stuff I have is my OT Customs Begins cowl which I freaking love and I just ordered the VINCENTOY Raimi Spider-Man custom masked sculpt. Another stock figure I’ve been considering improving is my Alien ‘79 Ripley and have her hair rooted and face repainted.
You’re right, but most of the time not as much as that InArt two-pack.
All of their figures have taken a big hit from proto to production. Whether that’s the sculpt, the base, or the outfit. They have individual custom artists from the custom world producing the prototypes of these figures, tailoring the costumes (Wonder), rooting the hair (Vito), then handing off the blueprint to inexperienced factory workers who can’t compete. It’s false advertisement imo, they hire the best of the best to sell the proto, then can’t handle an assembly line. I’m not saying InArt makes complete garbage, they don’t, but they don’t produce at the quality they’d like you to believe they do by their prototypes.
All of their figures have taken a big hit from proto to production. Whether that’s the sculpt, the base, or the outfit. They have individual custom artists from the custom world producing the prototypes of these figures, tailoring the costumes (Wonder), rooting the hair (Vito), then handing off the blueprint to inexperienced factory workers who can’t compete. It’s false advertisement imo, they hire the best of the best to sell the proto, then can’t handle an assembly line. I’m not saying InArt makes complete garbage, they don’t, but they don’t produce at the quality they’d like you to believe they do by their prototypes.
Yup, totally agree. It’s deceiving.

That’s why I have high hopes for JND, all of their statues were prototype level or better.
Yup, totally agree. It’s deceiving.

That’s why I have high hopes for JND, all of their statues were prototype level or better.
Best part about JND? All done in-house,
no random overworked unskilled factory workers on the clock.

Does this mean they’ll do no wrong?
Of course not, they’ve got issues of their own, but QC shouldn’t be one of them so we can be thankful of that. Kojun himself stated his goal is to exceed the prototype, looking at the way the HT Artisan came out? That’s definitely possible. If HT can exceed it, they can.
I think it’s pretty cool that you’re always looking to tinker and enhance stock figures. Isn’t Aragorn also part of that list?

The only custom stuff I have is my OT Customs Begins cowl which I freaking love and I just ordered the VINCENTOY Raimi Spider-Man custom masked sculpt. Another stock figure I’ve been considering improving is my Alien ‘79 Ripley and have her hair rooted and face repainted.
Aragorn is definitely one that I futz continuously. But other than a repaint by Rodman I think I am okay with him as is. He is more so just tinkering with for different display looks. There’s so many options and I am bad at deciding lol
Kato isn’t interested.

Kato isn’t interested.
Yeah he’s in his late 50’s now I believe,
so if he’s turning it down now, it’s likely he’ll never revisit the character again. A shame because he still makes stuff, just stuff I’m not interested in.

If only I could find one of his V2 waistcoats around.
I always miss the drama
Make sure not to mention custom anything in a mass produced figure thread, no matter what thread.
As that’s not something that happens all over this site right?

If it’s not a comparison with custom, then it’s a comparison with another company. That’s what threads should be for, one would think. Do we really have to bounce between the three Ledger Joker threads when uttering a sentence about each one?
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Yeah he’s in his late 50’s now I believe,
so if he’s turning it down now, it’s likely he’ll never revisit the character again. A shame because he still makes stuff, just stuff I’m not interested in.

If only I could find one of his V2 waistcoats around.
ricks, ricks, ricks

everyone gets a rick grimes
Ha! :)

In all fairness, you didn’t mention anything about specific customs. It was the “looking down on” vibe that bothered me. I don’t like an elitist mentality. Not saying anyone in here has that currently, but that was the vibe I got from the gif/post. Apparently it was a joke that went over my head, which I have apologized for reading too far into.

I clearly have no problem with customs, though. I’ve been on a decent amount of customs runs and got into this hobby customizing old Sideshow and HT figures along with repainting their sculpts when my paint skills were better than production paint.

I don’t mind customs being called out as better than a mass produced item. However, I believe there should also be some grace as a lot of what we’re getting now is pretty great for mass produced items. Even with inaccuracies that may be in this or that, I can still appreciate the level of advancement that has been made, particularly since InArt came on the scene. In my opinion, the gap is closing faster and faster. It looks to me that mass produced stuff is advancing at a quicker pace (mostly due to rival competition and not customs), while the level of customs hasn’t made quite the leap. Maybe b/c custom items have been the ones setting the bar this whole time for the last couple of years. But, customs will become less and less necessary, at least for the popular mainstream characters, as time goes on unless they continue to raise that bar.

Even taking in Heise’s repaint and rehair of the newest HT DX Joker sculpt. Hair work is a definite improvement, but it takes a real keen eye to really see any upgrade in the paint work in my opinion.

Or that customized InArt Superman with the body modifications that were so minimal it barely made a difference.
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