Heh heh, how *I* would have done the prequels

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Agent0028 said:
In either the novelisation of ROTS or Labyrinth of Evil, can't remember which, Palpatine did make suggestions that Obi and Padme were having an affair. At one point he mentions that a Jedi was seen leaving her apartment at an unseemly hour in the morning. Which was true, but Obi was visiting Padme to make sure Anakin was okay. Personally I think that would ahve been really good to put in the movie.
Anakin and Padme discuss just such in a visit from Obi-Wan in the movie and Anakin is obviously unhappy about it.

And if there was still any question I'd say this exchange seals the deal:

PADME: I don't believe what I'm hearing . . . Obi-Wan was right. You've changed.

ANAKIN: I don't want to hear any more about Obi-Wan. The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me.

PADME: I don't know you anymore. Anakin, you're breaking my heart. You are going down a path I cannot follow.

ANAKIN: Because of Obi-Wan?
Khev said:
Anakin and Padme discuss just such in a visit from Obi-Wan in the movie and Anakin is obviously unhappy about it.

And if there was still any question I'd say this exchange seals the deal:

PADME: I don't believe what I'm hearing . . . Obi-Wan was right. You've changed.

ANAKIN: I don't want to hear any more about Obi-Wan. The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me.

PADME: I don't know you anymore. Anakin, you're breaking my heart. You are going down a path I cannot follow.

ANAKIN: Because of Obi-Wan?

True, there was hints of such a "jealousy" in Anakin, but it could have been played out better I thought, that's all. It could have been a bigger part of why he turned to the Dark Side.

And yes, there are a lot of Arthurian myths in SW. I'm just surprised GL didn't use the biggest one of all in any way.

Anyway, everything in one form or another IS in SW. Its just that Lucas paints with a very light brush most of the time. Sometimes, a little more is a lot more.
Khev said:
Anakin and Padme discuss just such in a visit from Obi-Wan in the movie and Anakin is obviously unhappy about it.

And if there was still any question I'd say this exchange seals the deal:

PADME: I don't believe what I'm hearing . . . Obi-Wan was right. You've changed.

ANAKIN: I don't want to hear any more about Obi-Wan. The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me.

PADME: I don't know you anymore. Anakin, you're breaking my heart. You are going down a path I cannot follow.

ANAKIN: Because of Obi-Wan?

sigh. I cringed when reading that. I wish I didn't hate hayden's delivery so much.
I just think that TPM could have been waaaay shortened and most of the plot of Episode 2 placed into the end of the film. Episode II should have been all about the war and Anakin's fall.... Palpatine doing basically what he did in 3 but adding the jealousy rift.....

Episode III could have been all about the Jedi being hunted down and exterminated by Anakin, while Obi-Wan hunted down Maul... Maybe Yoda could have been trying to track down Dooku, upon finding out that he has a conspirator for the Seperatists... (Dooku playing the Jedi who lost faith in the order and seeked something different... eventually being found by Palpatine)

Upon returning Obi Wan finds the Temple empty and the Jedi slaughtered... he does a little detective work with Padme and finds that Anakin went to Mustafar to kill the Seps... he follows... the basic same thing happens... but with much more dramatic results... I would have rather there been no Yoda/Sidious fight and more with Obi and Anakin... but with breaks in between... battling emotionally as well as physically.

But that's how I feel about it... I think that the ball was dropped a little on 1 and 2, leaving 3 with waaaay too many peices to pick up.
If I was Georgey boy, I would have just said screw it after Phantom and left it unfinished. Cause people b!tched about what he did (but still they bought it up) and would have still b!tched about not having anything.

For reals, I would not have changed a thing except add a bare ass shot from Padme in the PG13 Sith.
Khev said:
The only thing I wish ROTS would have done differently would be to have used real actors in suits for the clones.

That would have been a vast improvement. Thats one thing that bothers
me in the Prequels. The use of real actors for the Stormtroopers made everything look more real and organic and less video game like.
Khev and Azrael, I'm with you 110% on the anti-CG clones. I mean.. did they even bother testing out a full sized costume? Just because they CAN make cg clones doesn't mean they should. And at least Weta filmed a lot of their doubles and then duplicated them.

Where it's the worst is when you have an actor playing Commander Cody, and they CG his movement in. It loooked soooo bad. If they CG'd everyone else at least make one for HIM!

And the CG Jango in ep2 in the droid factor was obvious too. Too much reflection in the visors are a dead giveaway.
If I was Georgey boy, I would have just said screw it after Phantom and left it unfinished. Cause people b!tched about what he did (but still they bought it up) and would have still b!tched about not having anything.
Yeah...but this way he made more money.
Magic Giraffe said:
Han Solo should have made an appearance in the PT.

He almost did. I, personally am glad he didn't. Some things are better left untouched. I even feel that Chewbacca was a bit excessive. Not everything needs to be tied in some weird way.
I wish there were less tie-ins. I hate how the SW universe became smaller with the prequels.
My main thing is I would have wanted Maul to be in the whole PT and less Jar-Jar. Other than that I think everything worked pretty well. Sure you could redo some things and it be at least as interesting. I would have love to see Lucas let someone else direct them to give them some of the life the OT had as far as input from two directors. Other than that I really dig the PT and it wouldn't be SW without them.
I could spend a LOT of time on this but I'll keep it short,

1.Different actors playing Anakin & Padme.
Hayden Christensen & Natalie Portman were utter ****. Any decent actor/actress should have been able to rise above the bad script or apparent lack of direction from George Lucas and sound like they were "into" the characters they were playing but the flanneled one's chosen pair certainly did not by any stretch of the imagination.

2.More real people/sets,less CGI
At times much of the PT resembled a videogame cutscene and not a live action movie. At the very least the Clones should have been actors in suits.

3.Jedi that were more badass.
The Geonosis Arena sequence should have been the highlight of the whole saga,the Jedi in their prime demonstrating all kinds of mastery of the Force and amazing swordplay in the face of overwhelming odds,yet all we got were lame Force "pushes" and swatting at droids like they were flies. I would have had them put up more of a fight against the Clones as well,maybe had Ki-Adi and a couple of others survive only to be killed by Darth Vader in the end montage.

4.No General Grievous.
A Bionicle with a smoker's cough. Need I say more?
All of you guys have some great ideas. The only thing I would've changed is the dialogue. It's just so lame! You'd think after all these years, Lucas would've come up with a more intelligent and entertaining dialogue. Also, the CGI were a bit excessive.
jlcmsu said:
Other than that I really dig the PT and it wouldn't be SW without them.

Nah, SW existed pretty well on its own for 20+ years. :cool:

Bravo to the "small universe" comments, and I have enjoyed a lot of these ideas; where were you when these were being written. :lol