Heh heh, how *I* would have done the prequels

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LOTRFan said:
Nah, SW existed pretty well on its own for 20+ years. :cool:

Yeah, I know it did. However, I never thought of it being complete. It was like great we got the last three chapters but what the hell happened before. The PT completed the Saga for me.

*Now let the PT haters commence flaming. :rolleyes:
congerking said:
Jar Jar sucked, Anakin acted like a little girl, Yoda was too short, my theater smelled, a fat guy sat in front of me, etc.

:lol :rotfl :lol :rotfl

:emperor :emperor
jlcmsu said:
Yeah, I know it did. However, I never thought of it being complete.
Same here. In fact part of the fun as a kid was imagining that, someday, we'd see Episode I-III. How could you *not* with the subtitles at the beginning of each film?

jlcmsu said:
It was like great we got the last three chapters but what the hell happened before.
And what the heck happened after? Remember there were originally supposed to be nine films. :) But then it was revealed that the primary events of the third trilogy (Luke joining his lost sister and the destruction of the Emperor) were condensed to wrap up the series in ROTJ. So there really wasn't any story left to tell after ROTJ (and don't bring up the Zahn series.)
Yeah, I'd love to see more past Ep6. That would really put a cap on everything.

Edited to complete my thought. DOH :eek:
bcm77 said:
I could spend a LOT of time on this but I'll keep it short,

1.Different actors playing Anakin & Padme.
Hayden Christensen & Natalie Portman were utter ****. Any decent actor/actress should have been able to rise above the bad script or apparent lack of direction from George Lucas and sound like they were "into" the characters they were playing but the flanneled one's chosen pair certainly did not by any stretch of the imagination.

2.More real people/sets,less CGI
At times much of the PT resembled a videogame cutscene and not a live action movie. At the very least the Clones should have been actors in suits.

3.Jedi that were more badass.
The Geonosis Arena sequence should have been the highlight of the whole saga,the Jedi in their prime demonstrating all kinds of mastery of the Force and amazing swordplay in the face of overwhelming odds,yet all we got were lame Force "pushes" and swatting at droids like they were flies. I would have had them put up more of a fight against the Clones as well,maybe had Ki-Adi and a couple of others survive only to be killed by Darth Vader in the end montage.

4.No General Grievous.
A Bionicle with a smoker's cough. Need I say more?

Agree 100%, though I think Natalie Portman did well enough. She was fine in Ep1, and it was just awkward in ep2 because of the situations they were placed in. The conversation in the meadow about her first boyfriend or whatever... i don't even know. All I remember is that she says she was 12 and I was like "ugh... what are they talking about?" She needed better dialogue in ep2 and she just needed a better actor love interest to elevate her more.

But I agree... a more seasoned actor would be able to make something of the script. Ewan McGregor, Ian McDiarmid, Jimmy Smits, Liam Neeson, Christopher Lee, Temuera Morrison, and a few others were all able to do great work. Sam Jackson, God bless him.... he just needed a few more takes or something. He delivered his lines like a cop... not so much Jedi. And in his defense, he only had his part for episode 1 so he didn't know what the hell was going on. Blame George there.

The set issue, yah i agree. At least more of a set would give the actors something to play with. I mean.. if they're talking to CG characters on a nonexistant set... you'll never get the best performance out of them regardless of how good they are.

I think we all just wanted the impact Lord of the Rings provided. Something on a more grand scale and that includes the acting.

Acting really does save everything for me. If a movie is bad but the performances were great... it makes it worth while. LOTR had it all.
Lucas lives in a bubble surrounded by a bunch of "yes" people. No one around him had the nerve to say "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!!?!??!?!?!?!"

Just because you created it doesnt mean that forever and ever you are the best at whatever you do associated with the idea.

Learn to write a fing screenplay at least, cause there is no way he'll ever learn how to direct. Most of those actors that sucked in thier roles with thier cheesy delivery and dialogue CAN ACT, I have seen it in thier other movies.

The entire first movie was like one giant Ewok village seen, great if your 9 but looses its apeal after that.

It just seemed like he focused on the easy mondane story line and left the really interesting challenging ideas for us "non SW creators" to come up with.

A few of you deserve to be billionairs more then he does with the immaginitive stuff i have read.

Keeping this short and sweet, this is all Lucas needed to do to make the PT equal to the OT (story telling-wise):

1. Naboo = Alderaan
2. War on Naboo = Begining of the Clone War.
3. Romance between Anakin (who should've been closer to Padme's age) and Padme is in ep 1 so the that ep 2 can be all about the Clone Wars!!!!
3. Combine the characters of Maul and Dooku.
4. Maul doesn't die until ep 3.
5. Replace Nute Gunray with General Grievous (who should've been in all 3 movies too).
6. Add Qui-Gon's ghost to ep2 and 3