Thank you for your pre-order of 'The Samaritan' - Hellboy II Prop Replica (item #8931FLEX) from our Hellboy Collection. This email notification is to keep you updated with the most current information about your order with us.
In order to ensure that you receive the highest quality Sideshow Collectible possible, we have increased quality control procedures for this highly detailed piece to assure your complete satisfaction. As such, there has been a delay in the arrival date of this item, which is now expected to arrive into our warehouse in November 2008. Your 1st and 2nd payments have already been charged, and your final payment was scheduled for September 15th. However, your final payment of $123.33, plus freight and any applicable sales tax or VAT, will now be charged on November 17, 2008. Please anticipate shipment of your order approximately 7 to 10 business days after your final payment has been processed.