Well, now I'm done for...sorry for all the work I'm causing whoever keeps combining shipping and sending refunds, but I think after tonight I'll be "situated" for quite a while...
I don't normally check the freaks board more than once a day, but I'm sure glad I made an exception tonight.
I just got the parts I need to make my own Eleven -- in fact, I was a little over zealous in the ordering process and I've just sent you guys an email about my screw-up.
Coming Within the Next 7 Days
BBI Modern Navy Seal Team Six
Coming Soon
Hot Toys Star Wars Luke Bespin
Sideshow Star Wars Commander Neyo
Hot Toys Avengers Hawkeye (Partial Shipment)
Hot Toys Batman Dark Knight Rises (Partial Shipment)
my oct entry..not the one that i wanted to enter...but it's ok..
my custom xwing pilot..older and wiser - Titun Vance..old hasbro xwing suit, refitted it a bit, got rid of all the velcro on it(yuck..hate velcro lol)...new boots and gloves(which i did get from T/A)..