I agree as solid and beautiful of a figure the Jedi Luke outfit on ht body with the Bespin head looks it just doesn't work. He just looked too different in RoTJ. It might be worth trying to remold or trim rhe hair,.. Not sure of it will work either he had a very extreme part in RoTJ. Looked like a complete tool
Did I read that right?
Jedi Master Luke looked like a tool because he had a defined part in his hair?
Boy that tool threshhold is pretty low for you.
Should he have some mousse or gel and teased it a little or perhaps sprayed it til it looked Bieberesque?
lol.. perhaps someone has an extreme part on their hair and has taken offense?
I think its pretty hard to argue that hammill looked cool in ROTJ...
I bet Jabba and Fett thought he was a tool as well.
I just finally got the TA Luke Belt page to load (website was down), it says it may have come unglued but reglueable.
TA came through again, they will send me a replacement, looks like they just sent me a torn belt rather then a unglued one.
Yep, sorry, just an oversight. We don't mean to send damaged product, but it can happen, especially when we're breaking down 20 of a particular figure such as Luke all at once. We always take care of it though.