Super Freak
Yeah, they'll be more, just not sure when yet.
Awesome news! I really just want the body because I believe it is sculpted better than the DX10 one, even thought it is not as articulated.
Yeah, they'll be more, just not sure when yet.
Awesome news! I really just want the body because I believe it is sculpted better than the DX10 one, even thought it is not as articulated.
Is there any difference in the bodies other than the BD? I thought it was the DX10 body with the damage added.
The DX13 is the Battle Damage T-800. No other release has BD.
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That's not what I asked. He mentioned the body had a difference.
There is no mid-torso articulation. The DX13 has one fully sculpted torso which, to me, looks better. It looks better in the shirt, I could care less about the battle damage. If I can get one the first thing I'm going to is replace the damaged leg with one from a DX10.
Hello TA!
Will you be doing breakdowns of HT IM 3 Tony Stark The Mechanic at some point?
Thanks and best regards.
My very first custom figure. It's not 100% the way I wanted but, due to financial changes, this is the way it is going to stay for a while.
Jedi Qui-Lon Bastra
Hot Toys body from SSC
Lightsaber and robe from members of SSF
Hands from Toy Anxiety
Bespin Luke clothing, Jedi Luke clothing, and lightsaber harness from eBay
Blaster borrowed from my Commander Gree
Planning on using him quite a bit on my IG feed (LasVegasYankee).
(Images not showing up. Any ideas why?)
Looks great! Well done. I was thinking of doing this myself a few days back and made myself a set of custom lightsaber hilts at work. I just need to get myself a few sets of Jedi clothing.
I had to open the images in new windows, but that made them work.
I think his name is a bit too reminiscent of Qui-Gon but i am sure that would happen.
Is he a Jedi of the Old Republic or the New?
Yeah, the Qui-Gon reference is intentional as he is my favorite Jedi behind Quinlan-Vos.
He is a Jedi Knight at the time of the Clone Wars. He is not your typical Jedi. Many in the Order consider him dangerous but necessary. He has no emotions. He feels no fear, hate, jealousy, love, nor passion. He was assigned a special squad of clones and they do the jobs nobody talks about. Think "Jedi BlackOps".
Very good.
Love the backstory. It's one of my favourite things when building a custom or making parts. Coming up with backstory and motivation, plus the stories of a character's heroic deeds/misdeeds is the best part.
Do you have plans for more Jedi? Or have you already done some before?
Yeah, That's my favorite thing also. I've been writing down ideas for story I will try to tell using my 1/6 figures and Instagram.
This is my first. I do have plans for a second. Gonna be a female or an alien. Not sure yet.
Excellent. Do you have a WIP/Custom thread going? Or do you just post them here?