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Re: Toy Anxiety, incoming!!

I just went there now, is the new site active, I am getting the old site.
Yeah, still not feeling the black, were those "non biased different people" 1/6 scale figure collectors or buyers who frequent 1/6 scale websites, not sure if that would make any difference but to me as a 1/6 collector there is something that is offputting with the black background when I'm scrolling through a lot of pages looking at many links and items. For instance "timewalkertoys.com" uses a black background and I don't know if its a coincidence but I don't frequent there site often hahaha.

Besides TA, sites I visit are BlackOps, MonkeyDepot, UrbanSamurai, myfigurestore, toy square, all have white backgrounds, there is just something thats easier on the eyes when staring at the screen at icons on countless pages. I don't know thats just me haha.

I agree. To me, black wallpaper for a website feels depressing to look at. I also feel as if my eyes have to work harder to read the text easily. I feel a white or a light muted color background is more inviting to the customer shopping on their site. I am not expert in website psychology and design (there is such a thing as this; there are people at corporations whose sole job is to make their company's website is easy to the customer's eyes, as well as easy to navigate - I have learned of a position when I worked at a tech company years ago. I even had a coworker from a different job who had a friend who did the same thing). In my opinion, I feel that a website with a black background is less appealing to one with bright, muted one - most professional sites out there do not use a black background. Maybe Toy Anxiety should do a larger sample pool of the background (as you have stated, have a poll from people who actually buys stuff online and why they do iather than opinions of those who are solely non-bias, as being non-bias people may not buy stuff online) or hire one of those people who uses psychology in picking the right font and color.

Furthermore, a website that has a black background feels like old, abandoned website that was either made during the mid '90s with homestead or DOS. That said, whenever I go to a site with a black website, I question myself if the site is new or hasn't been abandoned. For instance, I stumbled upon ojitoys.com a week ago. As a person who used to shop at oldjoeinfirmary.com, years ago, I had to do a double take with ojitoys.com and oldjoeinfimary.com, which is abandoned for Ojitoys, to make sure that ojitoys.com wasn't an older and abandoned site of oldjoeinfirmary.com.
agreed with the others. Black background is a little tough to see. I know we'll all get used to it if we have to but the white or maybe a light grey like we have here works well. but not really feeling the black now that I'm paying attention more :lol
Yeah, still not feeling the black, were those "non biased different people" 1/6 scale figure collectors or buyers who frequent 1/6 scale websites, not sure if that would make any difference but to me as a 1/6 collector there is something that is offputting with the black background when I'm scrolling through a lot of pages looking at many links and items. For instance "timewalkertoys.com" uses a black background and I don't know if its a coincidence but I don't frequent there site often hahaha.

Besides TA, sites I visit are BlackOps, MonkeyDepot, UrbanSamurai, myfigurestore, toy square, all have white backgrounds, there is just something thats easier on the eyes when staring at the screen at icons on countless pages. I don't know thats just me haha.

Fanboy also use a dark background. Doesn't bother me.
Thanks for all the constructive input. It helps when people explain their opinions. We thought being black was different than the norm, and that the blue and yellow text (that you really haven't seen yet), is very legible. Yes, it was users who buy off our site that were picking the black, though mostly just locals. I wouldn't mind giving preview access to a few. If interested, please send a PM with your real name and email, and you must be a registered user on our current site.
Re: Toy Anxiety, incoming!!

I don't mind the black background. Perhaps you guys could have light and dark themes like some forums do? The feature I liked the most was being able to search for loose pieces from newest to oldest, highest to cheapest, etc. As long as that feature stays, no problems here.
Re: Toy Anxiety, incoming!!

I don't mind the black background. Perhaps you guys could have light and dark themes like some forums do? The feature I liked the most was being able to search for loose pieces from newest to oldest, highest to cheapest, etc. As long as that feature stays, no problems here.


Like that?
It appears that how the search is working is if you type in Hot Head, it will list anything that has "Hot Head" in the title, and then items that have both hot and head in the listing, and then all items with hot and all items with head. So, it lists items that are more specific at the top of the search and more general towards the bottom. We have the search set for 40 items per page (which can be changed if everyone prefers), so that should cover quite a bit. Too much more then that and you have way too long of a list to scroll through.

That's cool. But is there an option to combine the pages into one during the search if i don't mind scrolling a bit?
Also, i don't mind if irrelevant items show up also in the search. That is to be expected. I like to cast a wide net when i search. Sometimes you find something you weren't looking for but which is also cool.

The Recently Parted out area should be back in one form or another, but probably just in text link, either on the front page like it used to be or at least in our blog, which is just a click away. It may be better in the interest to clean up clutter to use the blog, which you can see the link just above the Honor Guard picture in the screen grab. Either way, it will be back. We'll probably have to play around with that a bit and get people's opinions once launched.

That's great. I'll look forward to seeing that updated then.
Due to timing, sometimes you add parted items to the site earlier and sometimes later. On occasion, i have waited up to half past midnight UK time to get parts i expected parted out that night, only to go to be and find they went up at 01:30, lol.
Or, randomly refreshing the page at 22:00 and finding new stuff.
That's cool. But is there an option to combine the pages into one during the search if i don't mind scrolling a bit?
Also, i don't mind if irrelevant items show up also in the search. That is to be expected. I like to cast a wide net when i search. Sometimes you find something you weren't looking for but which is also cool.

That, I'm unsure of. I'm looking into it, but right now it looks like you'll get 40 results and then you'd have to click on page 2 for the next 40. There are a few limitations I wish we didn't have, but overall, it's going to be a much better site.

That's great. I'll look forward to seeing that updated then.
Due to timing, sometimes you add parted items to the site earlier and sometimes later. On occasion, i have waited up to half past midnight UK time to get parts i expected parted out that night, only to go to be and find they went up at 01:30, lol.
Or, randomly refreshing the page at 22:00 and finding new stuff.

Unfortunately, the fact it takes time to part things out all while trying to run a physical brick and mortar store, we cannot guarantee, ever, when we'll add things to the site, but we try to be consistent to the same time each day give or take so people can sort of plan around it. Sorry, it's just impossible to offer products at time that will satisfy everyone in every time zone around the world. I know that comes across as smart a** or sarcastic, but it's just the simple truth of it. And for the record, we have many International customers, for which we are very appreciative! With shipping rates and dealing with that extreme time zone difference, I know it can be a hassle in getting the products you are looking for, so we appreciate your business! This site will have some RSS feeds, but I'm not completely familiar with how that works, so hopefully that will be beneficial.
That, I'm unsure of. I'm looking into it, but right now it looks like you'll get 40 results and then you'd have to click on page 2 for the next 40. There are a few limitations I wish we didn't have, but overall, it's going to be a much better site.

Unfortunately, the fact it takes time to part things out all while trying to run a physical brick and mortar store, we cannot guarantee, ever, when we'll add things to the site, but we try to be consistent to the same time each day give or take so people can sort of plan around it. Sorry, it's just impossible to offer products at time that will satisfy everyone in every time zone around the world. I know that comes across as smart a** or sarcastic, but it's just the simple truth of it. And for the record, we have many International customers, for which we are very appreciative! With shipping rates and dealing with that extreme time zone difference, I know it can be a hassle in getting the products you are looking for, so we appreciate your business! This site will have some RSS feeds, but I'm not completely familiar with how that works, so hopefully that will be beneficial.

Yeah. I hope i didn't sound whiny.
It's not the first time i have waited till nearly 2am to find no part outs.
Then go to be early the next night and wake up to find the parts i want are gone, lol. Nine times out of ten, it's mainly heads i buy anyway(Yeah, i am the guy in Scotland that buys stacks of heads, lol).
It happens. Like you say, you can't keep everyone happy. :rotfl
I can't wait for the new site but i'll miss the old one a bit.
OK, so lets try this. Here's a more updated screenshot. Note, this is smaller than actual size. Also, the colors appear a bit faded in the screenshot due to lower quality, but you get the idea.


Please vote on our Color Scheme Poll.

I hope to get a lot of votes, so please spread the word to come vote on this, or share the link, but PLEASE only vote once per person. I don't think it will let you vote multiple times anyway. The results won't necessarily determine the direction we'll take for the final color scheme, but we'd really like to know what people think.

Looks better than the original site, I like it but think maybe a dark gray background might be more pleasing to the eye, but that could just be me.
Looks better than the original site, I like it but think maybe a dark gray background might be more pleasing to the eye, but that could just be me.

Here's the issue about going dark grey, or any in between color. While it would be find to do so, what will happen is all the products with white and black backgrounds will show the whole image square. This would create an even more cluttered look. As it is now, all black background images blend in, and all white background images are at least consistent with a white square. The opposite was true on the current/old site. All white images blend in, and all black images show the black square. Make sense?