Yes. We should have a couple left assigned for breakdown. Should be soon.
Nice mother of the future.
I'd like to get a ruling on whether or not this figure meets the criteria for a custom. I want to enter it in next month's contest if it conforms. I did some tinting of the body to try to match the head, though I think I need to experiment somemore. The Bikini bottom is a combination of ACPlay and Hasbro. Top is Hasbro. The rest is ACPlay. Costume has been completely repainted to more accurate colors.
View attachment 329181
Before she becomes the sinewy mother****** out to save the future.
Nice custom.
Is that body a little larger than a normal female body, or is the ACPlay head a little on the small side?
Long shot but it doesn't hurt to ask. Any chance of some Hoth Luke stuff coming through? I'm in need of a shirt.
I'd like to get a ruling on whether or not this figure meets the criteria for a custom. I want to enter it in next month's contest if it conforms. I did some tinting of the body to try to match the head, though I think I need to experiment somemore. The Bikini bottom is a combination of ACPlay and Hasbro. Top is Hasbro. The rest is ACPlay. Costume has been completely repainted to more accurate colors.
View attachment 329181
TA, will more Leon Kennedy parts get restocked?
Is there a chance a Sideshow TIE pilot might get parted out or is that history?
Yes. He's on the list once inventory levels permit it.