Re: Hey there "bud", thanks "bud", later "bud" ZOMG Thread!!!!!
Sup bros.
Sup bros.
I thought you were one of my buddies buddy. Why would you say something that you know I can't stand bud? Don't try to be a bad boy, bro. Because I could care less.
Sup bros.
haha well done bro
But i also like the other heads. I'm just a big fan of the Hong Kong Scene even it's 5 seconds of the movie lol.
You're not alone bro on this one! The whole movie is AWESOME but that scene in particular is by far my favorite!Personally,the face plates on the HT cowl sit to far out ruining the illusion at certain angles.I know that the cowl was not as thick as the BB version but it's not suppose to flushed with it either.Overall,it looks GREAT but nothing compared to the EB!Darkavatar did you pick up the HT QS Bats my friend?
Somone needs to start a "crappy iphone pic" thread. Most used phrase I've read here.
I haven't been reading much of the "Let's see you" thread, but iPhones take damn good pictures . Whoever is complaining is probably not using one.
My bad bro for the run on sentence!^-^You are right my friend,its all personal preference!Are you going to preorder or going to wait for the first reviews to show up bud?
He also said "my friend" in that very same post. Yikes, bromyfriendbudEach on their own too abundant to note in this forum, but both of them in the same short post, I just had to.
Thanks, bro. Did you get yours when they were released, or did you have to hunt for good prices as well?