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Snake Plissken

Super Freak
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
On the run.
I think this is one of the few franchises that's gotten next to nothing in terms of collectibles, aside from a few things. SSC did Connor, Kurgan and Duncan but they are very archaic compared to stuff today and I think if Hot Toys or SSC picked the license up it would sell very well since so many collectors pretty much grew up with 80's films. I would give anything to see high quality 1/6 figures based off the original film or even the show.
I think there is a glimmer of hope that we could see a figure in future purely because we have had several versions of these characters by Sideshow. The super hero hype will have to die out first but i think they could be good sellers. Not just fans of the franchise but the character designs are top notch and i think people will buy them purely for the multi layered outfits and unique swords. Im not interested in Joker but ive bought both the DX01 and DX11 Jokers just for the outfits. And Russel Nash's long jacket look i feel would have a similar (less colourful) presence if done correctly. A Grail would be the Highlands flashbacks Connor from the first movie as a DX. Or a Ramirez and Kurgan complete with the staircase they fought on.

I wouldnt mind Connors Highlander 2 look either with the long hair and long black jacket. The rest of the franchise i dont mind being skipped over.
Connor's look in HL2 was pretty awesome, the only thing I actually did like in it. I'd like a MMS of Connor with dual looks from the parking lot fight with Fasil and final battle look with the Kurgan.

Medieval Kurgan would be the grail for me.
Some guy made the entire war kurgan outfit in the customs threads and was selling it wasnt he? It would be a badass figure to own with a heightened body
Sideshow said Ramirez would never be made because the likeness rights weren't covered. Spencer is in the process of doing a Medievil Kurgan. He has done Ramirez in the past, to the best of my knowledge only two were produced as the price was prohibitive at the time.
Ramirez is James Bond, and SS has James Bond license, so why not?

Anyway i prefer modern Ramirez to the signature Spanish look.

Also i would prefer Old Age Connor than any versions of him.
Re horse - there are some on ebay. the new 303 horses look pretty decent but you'd have to mod the tack & harness. To be fair, the Kurgan gets on foot for most of the battle ;-)
I don't think fairness is in Kurgan's dictionary.

Re horse - there are some on ebay. the new 303 horses look pretty decent but you'd have to mod the tack & harness. To be fair, the Kurgan gets on foot for most of the battle ;-)
I don't think fairness is in Kurgan's dictionary.

Haha so true. Kurgan was an awesome villain. Completely remorseless and overconfident. The original Highlander movie is one of my favorite cult movies. There can be only one applies to the movies as well as it does to the immortals. I liked the show too.
They were pretty good figures at the time. Just not a license that's gonna bring in the money. This is the kind of thing that would be better suited to a small custom run from someone, or just trying to get updated custom sculpts and bash figures, because in this day and age, Hot Toys and Sideshow aren't going to touch a license like this. You might get a lesser company targeting really niche collectors like AmokToys to do something with it, but if they did I doubt the quality would be worth writing home about.

I used to love the first film, and would be tempted by modern Connor and Kurgan if done right. And of course, Michael P.S. Hayes.
Well Hot Toys does love film, and with something obscure like the Crow out of no where does give me hope that it's not out of the realm of possibility. But knowing where they are putting all their resources, I wouldn't hold my breathe for it...

Spencer's Medieval Kurgan looks fantastic, wish I had the cash for it. It has always been one of my favorite villain designs of all time.
I think Crow happened because they think it can tap into the Ledger Joker market (which it probably will to some extent). Then there's the Bruce Lee connection, which will appeal to Asian collectors. But stuff like that is really left field for Hot Toys. Very rare for them to stray from their Iron Man/Batman/Predator focus. Sure, it could happen, but I would say it is no more likely than hundreds of other old sci-fi/fantasy stuff that they could randomly choose every couple of years to release a (single) figure from.
Technically "Thriller" was a film. Batman was 1989. Superman 3 :lol There might have been a couple others, but not coming to me. And the Aliens and Terminator guys (minus Tech Noir) where they gave those lines real attention were very early releases.