History Channel's Vikings

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That Ragnar actor comes off as a failed graduate of the young Brad Pitt poser school of acting.
Annoying smirks, facial ticks and sly eyes are his speciality.
Fimmel's acting doesn't bother me as much as the writers seeming to want the audience to hate Ragnar. Every character on this show is painted in moral shades of grey, but as the central figure of the show Ragnar comes off as a narcissistic douche. I think he is suppose to be the hero of the show, but I have a hard time seeing him that way. That is not necessarily a bad thing as it is an interesting approach. Need to start hunting down some of the music from this. Especially liked some of the music from the newest episode.
check out the band called wardruna, they did some of their ost.
i love listening to this on a rainy day.:lol
Ragnar is supposed to be a douche. If you read about the "historical Ragnar", you'll learn that he was incredibly egotistical and self-centered. He was even jealous of his own sons' successes and feared them overshadowing him. This is constantly hinted at in the show when Ragnar doesn't want anyone to really "look" better than he does unless he has to. Hence the conflict between him and his brother, Rollo.

Don't read about the historical Ragnar unless you want some spoilers though!
Ragnar is supposed to be a douche. If you read about the "historical Ragnar", you'll learn that he was incredibly egotistical and self-centered. He was even jealous of his own sons' successes and feared them overshadowing him. This is constantly hinted at in the show when Ragnar doesn't want anyone to really "look" better than he does unless he has to. Hence the conflict between him and his brother, Rollo.

Don't read about the historical Ragnar unless you want some spoilers though!

:lecture :exactly: Why does Ragnar have to be likeable? He was an ambitious man, a military and cultural pioneer - how many of those in history haven't been flawed individuals? I think the show's portrayal of him is quite consistent with a simple but proud man who was able seize power from an unsupportive Earl, and then progressively grow more seduced by that power to the point where he alienates almost everyone around him.

The line in the last episode where he tells his son to think with his head and not his junk... nice one Ragnar :lol
The line in the last episode where he tells his son to think with his head and not his junk... nice one Ragnar :lol

Like Ragnar has room to talk.
He'd nail his sons girlfriend and that insatiable English princess who's into guard group sex if he could.
Plus ya know he wants his first wife back.
It was good but I felt that they ended up having more questions than answers. There were several times in this episode where I just went "well what happened with (insert situation /person here)"