Super Freak
They always ask the easy questions to which the answer is usually already known
What happened was this was an unexpected interview. Basically Howard Chan from Hot Toys approached Gary the founder of Hong Kong Figure Club and offered if he can answer any questions. So Gary wasn't prepared so it was more of a casual talk of subjects that he remembered from his previous interview with Hot Toys and stuff that he thought of on site.
I'm sorry guys , I'm the guy that's doing the translation and it's been a busy week.... scratch that. I was busy but mostly just that the questions aren't the interesting. I'm tired of Ironmen. Somehow Ironman is really popular in the Asian community. Something about robots/ mech themes. (But apparently Ironmen are still HT's biggest seller so whoever bought an Ironman figure made by Hot Toys, shame on YOU! XD )
And I'm tired of the Heath Ledger Joker over hype. And a lot of the conversation involve subjects that doesn't concern the over sea market such as their local VIP system. I doubt a lot of people will know about the Storm Riders comic.
I'm still working on the translation so hopefully you will see it put up after the weekend.
But I do want to clear up some confusions regarding Joker.
This is more of an update regarding the license for The Dark Knight version of Joker. Originally DXwhatever Joker2.0 was the last Joker based on Heath Ledger's likeliness that license permit. Like I said before, the Ledger family does not want to be reminded of Heath's late work and the movie he worked on that was right before his death. This was explained by Hot Toys and somehow that chunk of information is lost and I wasn't able to Google up anything.
Now it seems like Warner Brothers have soften up on this issue and another version might be possible. Still that doesn't mean we will see a Joker3.0. Howard's basically teasing us because after he said that he teased that we could guess which Joker we will see because it can basically be any version. (Hot Toys currently has license for Batman66', Batman, The Dark Knight, Arkham City)
He didn't mention about a upgrading a Joker figure, bigger,better, rooted hair, etc. Just plain and simple "It's possible we'll see another "Joker" from Hot Toys".