Super Freak
Same, loved his look in that series.I’ve wanted a Dark Empire Luke for years, bring that on Howard!
Same, loved his look in that series.I’ve wanted a Dark Empire Luke for years, bring that on Howard!
With Leia ready and Han in production also.
I have never bought a Hot Toys SW product.
If they make an actual Dark Empire Luke, I'd preorder first day.
I don't think there's a chance in hell though, but it's nice to know that there are still people out there that love the series as much as I did.
Yes, Dark Empire is the thing I most miss from the EU. Even Lucas said he would have done something like that had he done a direct sequel to the OT.
You never know, it wouldn’t be HT’s first non-canon figure.
Yes, Dark Empire is the thing I most miss from the EU. Even Lucas said he would have done something like that had he done a direct sequel to the OT.
You never know, it wouldn’t be HT’s first non-canon figure.
Is Holiday Special Boba Fett canon ?
BTW that thing must be selling in huge numbers.......
Is Holiday Special Boba Fett canon ?
BTW that thing must be selling in huge numbers.......
Such BS. They use the con to gauge interest? In what way? How many pic tags they get on IG?
It’s not like they take polls or are on the floor engaging fans. Hell, the SIdeshow reps were barely on the floor this year. And previous years, you’d ask them questions about the likelihood of figures coming out and they had no clue.
It all boils down to what HC wants.
Gauging interest at cons?? Sideshow team at these shows don’t know **** about the HT releases or teases displayed at THEIR booth let let alone any of THEIR protos. At Celebration seems like they’re just trained to pitch the proto unpainted R2 (new at the time) and the demo pieces you could play with. Asked them about Tank Trooper and other Rogue One figures and they just gave me derpy answers.
The poll Hoody(?) brought up would give a proper sense of what collectors truly want. Internet HT... use it!
EU figures will sell WAY BETTER than anything from the ST. ST merch is dead in the water.
You think ? I thought us here as Star Wars fans were the niche group. But EU would be the niche in a niche.
I read an interview with the CEO of Hasbro where he said Star Wars toy sales were well below expectations this past holiday season. And what SW toys were filling 99% of store shelves at that time? TLJ. Since Dec, I see TLJ/TFA toys on clearance on a regular basis, but good luck finding anything OT during a toyhunt. I've yet to see a vintage Hasbro Hoth Rebel Trooper in the wild, but pegs and pegs full of Rey, Jyn, Ducktrooper, Snoke, Kylo, etc. I truly believe consumers don't care much for Disney Star Wars.
On the other hand, anything OT sells. The PT (as bad as those movies are), has some very cool Star Wars designs and characters that people love and nostalgia is strong with the PT right now. EU fans are a pretty rabid group and I think they will slurp up any EU merch they see, ESPECIALLY now that the Disney ST is such a massive let down. I am not an EU fan, but I will readily admit that the EU provided OT Sequel storylines and characters that are way better than the hot garbage we got from Darth Kennedy and Johnson.
TLJ sales were low because they released them too early
OT & PT sells, ST does not.