Put me down for one of these.
Put me down for one of these.
any idea of price range
A little too rich for my blood.
Can't wait to see it in your collection Rich.
I'll have to flex-pay it. Since I had to return the 1:2 Endoskeleton, this will be a great replacement.
Hope it is free domestic shipping.
I'm sorry you have to pass.
Maybe your government should offer Sideshow an incentive to move a warehouse to Canada.
Well we have a distributor here in Alberta but with the current exchange it wouldn't make much of a difference.
Hey any idea what the height on this piece is?
Well we have a distributor here in Alberta but with the current exchange it wouldn't make much of a difference.
Hey any idea what the height on this piece is?
The bust, and the skeletons of the past is different from the installed base while also BURE IN CHIPPU is like a flashing blue light.また、T2のフューチャーバトルを思わせるダブルプラズマライフルを構えた造形はターミネーター好きにはこたえられないものとなるでしょう。In addition, T2構ETA the DABURUPURAZUMARAIFURU shape reminiscent of a Terminator FYUCHABATORU of love will be tough to beat.大きさはほぼ90cmですが、ベースはエンドスカルと共通で部屋にディスプレーしやすい仕様となっています。It is almost the size of 90 cm, the base is easy to design and display the skull and a common room at the end.ターミネーターコレクションの一つとして開発した自信作です。Confidence is developed as one of his Terminator Collection.