Holy Jesus (Models)

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Found the pics.
Here ya go:





As I said, it's a very cool model, it just needs a good paint job.
The quality of the sculpt seems to be about the same...
If you're going to have this one repainted, you should do the other one as well.
The quality of the sculpt seems to be about the same...
If you're going to have this one repainted, you should do the other one as well.

The thing is, I wanted them both repainted.

But I really, really never want to see the Alien again. The paint just ruined it for me.
Nah, no dome... :monkey2

Here's the decent Alien (won it for $15) I got today also... this one, doesn't look like a big dump.


got to disagree there brother... it looks suspicisly like somthing i left in the bathroom earlier today..... could just be the color though :monkey3

I kid I kid.
Well at least with that color scheme you can see how decent the sculpt is. With this color scheme:


It looks like the Alien is wearing Mickey Mouse gloves!!! lmao.

*I reposted the pic because I can tell Adam shutters every time he sees it. lol*
Well at least with that color scheme you can see how decent the sculpt is. With this color scheme:


It looks like the Alien is wearing Mickey Mouse gloves!!! lmao.

*I reposted the pic because I can tell Adam shutters every time he sees it. lol*

I have nothing to say, lol. :monkey2

who paints these originally and what the hell were they smoking ?

It was originally an unpainted kit and the seller said they were like, 'wonderfully detailed and painted extremely well."


The Predators eyes are just dotted with yellow haphazardly... it's terrible.

Thank God I know of so many GOOD painters out there who can correct it.
It was originally an unpainted kit and the seller said they were like, 'wonderfully detailed and painted extremely well."

They had to say "extremely well" didn't they:lol:lol. Not: ok, fine, or even quite good. Extremely well:rotfl.

That alien looks like it just came straight from Mardi Gras man!All it needs is some beads!:lol