Super Freak
Damn dude, you got bunked there!!!!!!!!!...yeah, I'm looking this thing over, and some of the dreads are wrong too.
I'm surprised the blades are in the right spot. Man, I've wanted this Halcyon model for a damn good long time, and I got royally shafted. The crap part, I was bidding on an unbuilt one last week and someone pulled my own trick against me and snagged it at the last minute... then I saw the two models in question and jumped without hesitation. Only to be dismayed with how they're both assembled.
Bull^^^^ man. True bull^^^^. God.
This sucks worse than losing on a rare Stealth Gort 12" model like, five months ago by mere cents.
So sorry to hear that. I hate douches on eBay who don't know how to build models correctly!!!!!!
I always wanted this Predator too! I also want the ALIENS one too. My comic shop has him, but for.....$49.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!