*Loki leaves work in his gas guzzling truck to hit the liquor store to drop $30 on beer when he could drink water for free*
*El Roranous gets ready to ride his bike to the gym while carrying a bottle of Spring water after a home cooked meal*
*Loki leaves work in his gas guzzling truck to hit the liquor store to drop $30 on beer when he could drink water for free*
Were not that liberal.. we won't let lesbians make out at baseball games.![]()
the best thing bush did was fall off a segway scooter.The best thing Bush did was let the assault rifle ban expire. I have a crate of them coming in next week. :chew
I need them to stock my bunker![]()
Well, if we can't have that, then what's the point of being an american?
People are dumb I think. They should have done their research before signing an ARM. If they couldn't afford their mortgage then what made them think they could afford it two years later when the interest rate shot up. It was all in the contract that they probably didn't read because they were too lazy to. Sometimes, and I mean this seriously, people only have themselves to blame.
Exactlly... and its the best action we have seen At Safeco all season.
Word.I agree...It was all there in black and white for people to read....you should never sign anything unless you FULLY know and UNDERSTAND what the hell it is you are signing. I do think some lenders did take advantage and sweet talked people into thinking that things would be okay down the road when the interest rates kicked in to high gear....but the borrowers should have known that no one can predict the future and they should never have put themselves in such a position. I was thinking about buying a place a year ago....but then chickened out...glad I didn't now. With the price of everything going up as it has...what I would have been able to scrape by and afford last year would be seriously hurting me this year.....I've been known to spend more than I should - but something big like a mortage would stress me the hell out unless I knew that I had a fixed mortgage rate and could afford the payments without struggling AND that I had a job that was stable.
Don't sugarcoat it Al, tell us how you really feel![]()
sorry...having to listen to whining at work and I snapped.![]()
ALthough, now seems like the time to buy a house.Prices have dipped and if you have good credit and a steady income you could get a good deal on all these foreclosures. ... just saying.
Prices haven't lowered here - in fact they are higher than they were a year ago. I think I can afford a parking garage space for my car...that runs about $20,000.....wonder if they'll mind if I put a bed in my space instead.![]()
Prices haven't lowered here - in fact they are higher than they were a year ago. I think I can afford a parking garage space for my car...that runs about $20,000.....wonder if they'll mind if I put a bed in my space instead.![]()
Jen, you can always move to tent city.comming to mercer island.
Jen, you can always move to tent city.comming to mercer island.