Actually, I lucked out big time. I was selling some Palisades muppets to a buyer in Spain. He sent me payment, I shipped, then next day he was unregistered and his payment was reversed by PP automatically for some reason ( i blame PP, they were giving him a hard time about something and I think cancelled his account). Then PP sends me some BS like, "oh yeah, don't ship to this person, loss prevention, etc. etc.." a few days later. That's the thing, I pride myself on shipping next day if possible and advertise as such. I contacted the guy in Spain, and he was very cool, and still sent me payment (money order) for the items. He was a doctor or something and not trying to rip anybody off, but anybody else could have easily taken my stuff and never paid. It taught me that with international I usually wait about three days after receiving PP befor I ship. I even tell the buyer I shipped the item and still wait three days to see if anything like this will ever happen again. So I got lucky.
Wow, that was very lucky
Glad it all worked out okay