amazon japan says it's shipping on March 25th.....very soon!!!
The 25th!? I hope it's sooner than that... if it's true, we'll be getting them in late April/early May.

amazon japan says it's shipping on March 25th.....very soon!!!
amazon japan says it's shipping on March 25th.....very soon!!!
Rule of thumb is, once pics surface in HK we're a month away from release here in North America.
Just patiently waiting here. I'm in no rush.![]()
With the car release date surprising (and disappointing) the hell out of me, I no longer care about the Joker release date, he might as well come out in 2013 as well.
Thanks for nuttin HT
The damn thing was only shown in SDCC 2011.
Just patiently waiting here. I'm in no rush.![]()
I doubt Amazon know squat tbh
I got an email update from where i have this PO'd and this was what it said " Joker is due to be released in April, with this in mind we will have this ready to ship end April/Start May."
We can speculate all we want anyway Hot toys know they have a license to basically do what they want, we can moan and gripe as much as possible but that just makes it all the more of a hype for them. I agree as well i can wait for this especially with all the other PO's flying around !!
It only makes sense I mentioned this is another post the have over 20 items that they have show prototypes for and little less that have actual preorders if they average 2 figures a month , and this assuming no delays or split shipments, we can expect any new figures that are revealed in the latter half of the year to shipment in 2013.