Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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Wow, who are these people that are so comfortable with significant hike on prices? Never seem that before! I just think it's hard to defend HT if you take in consideration the prices of previous figures and compare with the price on latest releases. There has been no major (if any) changes in quality (arguably) or volume of the items. The financial world may have some impact on this but it was most likely an insignificant one. When the cost of making something goes up, companies will make cuts anywhere else they can (lay offs for example) before they pass the cost to the buyers and that is because they don't want to lose their clientele. People are used to pay what an item is worth. If Nikon was to start charging $1500 bucks for a Nikon D3000 tomorrow everybody would stop buying from them and buy Canon cameras instead. That's another issue too... HT has not competitors! Way to monopolize an entire hobby!

People got stop lying to themselves and face the fact that HT is simply hiking the prices because they can and want to. Just try and justify $300 bucks for the Iron Man Gantry.
Wow, who are these people that are so comfortable with significant hike on prices? Never seem that before! I just think it's hard to defend HT if you take in consideration the prices of previous figures and compare with the price on latest releases. There has been no major (if any) changes in quality (arguably) or volume of the items. The financial world may have some impact on this but it was most likely an insignificant one. When the cost of making something goes up, companies will make cuts anywhere else they can (lay offs for example) before they pass the cost to the buyers and that is because they don't want to lose their clientele. People are used to pay what an item is worth. If Nikon was to start charging $1500 bucks for a Nikon D3000 tomorrow everybody would stop buying from them and buy Canon cameras instead. That's another issue too... HT has not competitors! Way to monopolize an entire hobby!

People got stop lying to themselves and face the fact that HT is simply hiking the prices because they can and want to. Just try and justify $300 bucks for the Iron Man Gantry.

Truer words were not spoken!
There are more people who want the figure and are being outpriced than those who want the figure and can happily afford it.

True. Otherwise, if everyone could easily afford it, the price should be higher. The real trick in life is to find that "sweet spot" where you can charge the maximum amount without losing the majority of your buyers.
That's how I know I really want something, if I care more about getting the item than what it's costing me, it means a lot, if I debate how much it's costing me and feeling unsettled about that, then I probably am better off keeping my money.

:exactly: I don't love Keaton or Nicholson that much to ignore the glaring obscene price. Great movie, great figures but too overpriced for me to toss cash away jus cause. :monkey2

I'll hang around for the free Eco lessons :cuckoo: I mean great pics. :)
Pure greed or a company trying to make a profit?

Have fun in Walmart....

EDIT: I love these 17 year olds who have no concept of real world economics and think that everything should be handed to them on a silver plate. You honestly think that HT/SSC would be able to sell these for 150 bucks a pop and make a profit?

Ouch. I understand that you're upset because of these tremendously outrageous prices, but maybe you should take your anger out on Hot Toys instead of me.. considering I wasn't the one who priced these figures so unreasonably.

Yes, I think its pure greed from a greedy Communist company trying to make an excessive profit by taking advantage of Americans and other innocent collectors around the world.

Although, that is just my personal, humble, opinion.

As for the Wal-Mart comment I made.. it was meant to make you laugh, not act like an elohssa. It's sad that there are suckers like you who believe such things. You seem like a very egotistically confused individual.

Of course, you do happen to be absolutely correct that I am only 17, have no logical grasp on world economics and demand everything on a silver-plate because I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and have never had to work for anything in my entire life. I’d be jealous too if I were you, thankfully I’m not a hctib.

Also, if you actually do in-fact "love these 17 year olds", you might want to seek some professional help instead of attacking people unjustly in online forums. I'm pretty sure such activities involving minors are illegal in most states, not to mention just plain-old-fashion creepy.

Be careful out there buddy, and remember.. WWJD?
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With everything coming out in the next couple of quarters, all I can say is I'm ____ing relieved not to be an '89 Bats fan. As for cost... sadly there's not a damned thing we can do about the escalating cost of these things except abstain from buying them. And like that's ever going to happen :lol

As others have said, we should be happy these are even available at all - how long have fans been hanging out for 89 Joker and Bats? How many of those fans would be prepared to pay custom prices had anyone brought out figures that were even half the quality of these?

Others have said this too: HT aren't there to provide affordable figures for everyone who wants one. There seems to be an attitude held by some that they ought to be able to pick up each and every figure they find half appealing.
Maybe they'll still throw in an alternate headsculpt?

Like the museum scene with the flesh colored makeup?

Yeah, right!
There's no justifying this cost for a 12 inch figure no matter how people try to spin it. It is what it is, and most of us will buy it regardless. Let's get back to the figure and leave the economic debate in the rears :lecture


Stop the pointless whining!

Seriously. There is no company out their with similar quality and a lower price. Get over it already. Complain about gas prices, now theres a real argument.
So $265 for Jack is super steep, but the Keaton Bats is about $225, which is normal for a DX fig.

Hot Toys always charges more for the "Deluxe" line -- do I think the inclusion of PERS justifies the price bump? No, but the extra cost of the DX line has been established. Look at the latest Bruce Lee . . .

True compared to MMS, DX is more justified because of PERS an usually more accessories/bases than the standard

I would say the extra price for Jack is due to the complex suit & costume. That's a lot of fancy tailoring, compared to Keaton's rubber suit. Look at the quality of those fabrics, too. (How HT sources their materials is a wonder . . . :dunno)

I disagree, just look at Jack Sparrow, the detailing on costume is of the same quality, yet lesser price.

And remember that the Avatard figure is $290!! :cuckoo:

Brand new body & more detailed paint is the reason for the large price :lecture
Wasn't the T1 T-800 priced the same as Jack? Does Arnold get the same royalty as Jack?

Seems like the "price hike" has more to do with HT just wanting more money to pay for more development, more acquiring of licenses, more artists, mo' better fabrics, mo' better office space, etc.

I've never had a problem with price hikes. Most of the time its a good thing for me because it forces me to really judge if I want a figure on not.

In this hobby, it's better to have less.
Stop spending money on anything and everything and then spend like it's the end of the world when something comes out that is a must have for you, no matter the damn cost!

You will know when you want something, your heart will beat the ____ out of your brain and it makes you buy it!

That's 89 Batman and Joker for me, that's 89 Batmobile for me.

That's not TDK OC Batman for me so you know what....I cancelled him so that I could afford 2 Keaton's.

Why, because my heart told me, that's why!
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Maybe they'll still throw in an alternate headsculpt?

Like the museum scene with the flesh colored makeup?

Yeah, right!

That's the most productive comment made all day in this thread, many-many props. I agree and would be thrilled if that actually happened, perhaps we'll see it with v2.0.
Wasn't the T1 T-800 priced the same as Jack? Does Arnold get the same royalty as Jack?

Seems like the "price hike" has more to do with HT just wanting more money to pay for more development, more acquiring of licenses, more artists, mo' better fabrics, mo' better office space, etc.

I've never had a problem with price hikes. Most of the time its a good thing for me because it forces me to really judge if I want a figure on not.
In this hobby, it's better to have less.
