Mine turned up about an hour ago and he totally blew me away
Out of the box I'll be honest I dont think Batman initially lived up to the hype although up till now he has been my favourite figure in my collection Joker though instantly lived up the buzz!!
First impressions;
1- The first thing I did was change the hands, initially the hand pegs are covered by what I presume is the body suit and thus gives the wrist the same white colour as what the rest of his skin is supposed to be, unfortunately when I was removing one of the hands the peg came out with it and what I've learnt is that once those hand pegs are out there's no chance of covering them back up so in certain poses you can see the peg which obviously stands out like a sore thumb. It's no big problem as it just requires a little extra futzing but thought I'd mention it (shame Hot Toys didn't provide white coloured hand pegs)
2- Under the waist coat there's some little brown straps, no idea what they're connected to but one side was a little lose so had to sod about pushing it back under the waist coat so it wasn't visible. Again nothing major but just something else I noticed out of the box.
3- The tie, if like me one of the first things you want to do is put the long coat on make sure you sort the tie out into the position you want before you get the long coat on and buttoned up. Once again nothing major but took me 5 minutes tucking it out of sight once I finally managed to get the long coat on and then buttoned up.
All in all though this will without doubt be figure of the year for me, I just cant see anything that's been announced so far being better than it.