Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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Makes me wonder just how deep HT will go into this line. With as hot as any Nich Joker figure customs and bootlegs have been over the years I expect they would all be good sellers.

My guess is this will be it. Finito. Just a one time figure ........... hell other than Iron Man/Predators have they really indulged their normal properties? We all have no doubt every and any Jack/Keaton would sell damn well.

Plus coming out directly with a DX sounds pretty clear too.
My guess is this will be it. Finito. Just a one time figure ........... hell other than Iron Man/Predators have they really indulged their normal properties? We all have no doubt every and any Jack/Keaton would sell damn well.

Plus coming out directly with a DX sounds pretty clear too.

And yet there's a 2.0 Joker from TDK coming soon. :lol

I think by the fact of them teasing the alternate Nicholson Joker looks alone makes it pretty clear that they have plans for more variations. I bet they milk the hell out of him but time will tell.

I hope they're variations I'm not interested in, like Uncle Bingo Mime Joker, so I don't have to buy any of them.
My guess is this will be it. Finito. Just a one time figure ........... hell other than Iron Man/Predators have they really indulged their normal properties? We all have no doubt every and any Jack/Keaton would sell damn well.

Plus coming out directly with a DX sounds pretty clear too.

If they had to pay expensive rights to nicholson and since he didn't want to do batman relating to him then my guess is this is the only time we will get joker 89 then they'll go to batman returns(hopefully):)
Nope. You're Fabio.

I can't believe Voorhees prefers Lambo's signature to mine. Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a Devil_666 "Lambo" watermark.
What about the little article with the pic of all the Nicholson Joker images on it and the "Think about the future?" headline? :huh

Its just speculation dude. I hope to God they make more than one of each character. Did they make a BD T2 Arnie? It is a known fact that they don't need any likeness approval for T2 so whats the hold up? HT's is weird.
OMG himself said that hot toys are going to make more jokers.

He has connections with hot toys.

As for another batman, i highly doubt it.
Makes me wonder just how deep HT will go into this line. With as hot as any Nich Joker figure customs and bootlegs have been over the years I expect they would all be good sellers.

My guess is this will be it. Finito. Just a one time figure ........... hell other than Iron Man/Predators have they really indulged their normal properties? We all have no doubt every and any Jack/Keaton would sell damn well.

Plus coming out directly with a DX sounds pretty clear too.

And yet there's a 2.0 Joker from TDK coming soon. :lol

I think by the fact of them teasing the alternate Nicholson Joker looks alone makes it pretty clear that they have plans for more variations. I bet they milk the hell out of him but time will tell.

I hope they're variations I'm not interested in, like Uncle Bingo Mime Joker, so I don't have to buy any of them.

Its just speculation dude. I hope to God they make more than one of each character. Did they make a BD T2 Arnie? It is a known fact that they don't need any likeness approval for T2 so whats the hold up? HT's is weird.

I am with voorhees, I think this license is going to be wrapped with Bats, Joker and the Batmobile, it covers the 2 key characters and the iconic vehicle, which even though it changed, was in 2 movies. I don't even expect any Returns stuff.

Did they go through a lot for Nicholson's rights, sure, but I don't believe they have an agreement leaving them free to make as many Jokers as they like, i think each would entail fees and the approval process and all that, so I think it'll be one and done, or why not do even 2 heads with this figure.

And as far as photos posted in articles, it's all fun and speculative stuff for readers but more often than not, merely gets your hopes up for things that never come to be. We've seen glimpses of T2 John Connor or T1 Sarah Connor with nothing to show for it, an article noted plans for DX Rocky YEARS ago, before DX Batman, still nothing.

TDKR is around the corner, HT is probably well underway developing those figures. Keaton was filler to take folks from Iron Man to Batman again and prime them for the new movie stuff. And as for the Joker 2.0, I see that as no indication for hope in the Keaton line, we know HT loves to milk the Ledger cow until there's nothing left, and it seems they found a few more drops to go after.
I have to disagree with that. Especially about the Returns figures for sure. I just don't see HT walking away from a sequel with so much potential for sales.

As far as more Jack Jokers are concerned I'd put money on it.
Don't forget about the Batwing. There was that "rumor" on facebook that they took down that stated we'd get more info/pics on the Batmobile in November (we did, but still no official spec/pics) and that a Batwing would be shown soon after. Oh and after seeing the Batmobile features, the whole 2 in 1 deal with '89/Returns stuff, I bet there's a Returns license on the way. Probably after TDKR (something to fall back on in terms of Batman). Returns was quite popular in Asia, Takara was the first to get the line back in '92 for Returns.

Still though, we can all speculate as much as we want, Hot Toys is a hard company to read. They could release a dozen Jack Nicholson Joker variations, they could release none. Who knows.

Everything is just so ambiguous and uncertain with them. Their choices, their plans, it's crazy. Hell, I didn't even think that I'd ever see the day where there would be an official '89 Batman figure line, let alone a Jack Nicholson Joker, yet, here we are.

Their plans, or lack thereof for Terminator baffle me. BD T2 and Police Shootout, as stated many, many times seem like no brainers. Where was Rorschach, where is Elias from Platoon, etc. etc. With Hot Toys, nothing is certain.
Don't forget about the Batwing. There was that "rumor" on facebook that they took down that stated we'd get more info/pics on the Batmobile in November (we did, but still no official spec/pics) and that a Batwing would be shown soon after. Oh and after seeing the Batmobile features, the whole 2 in 1 deal with '89/Returns stuff, I bet there's a Returns license on the way. Probably after TDKR (something to fall back on in terms of Batman). Returns was quite popular in Asia, Takara was the first to get the line back in '92 for Returns.

Still though, we can all speculate as much as we want, Hot Toys is a hard company to read. They could release a dozen Jack Nicholson Joker variations, they could release none. Who knows.

Everything is just so ambiguous and uncertain with them. Their choices, their plans, it's crazy. Hell, I didn't even think that I'd ever see the day where there would be an official '89 Batman figure line, let alone a Jack Nicholson Joker, yet, here we are.

Their plans, or lack thereof for Terminator baffle me. BD T2 and Police Shootout, as stated many, many times seem like no brainers. Where was Rorschach, where is Elias from Platoon, etc. etc. With Hot Toys, nothing is certain.

Yes, HT is big for taking on many things, but "finishing" few. I understand not delving too far into background characters at times, but the lack of doing important and popular ones, or passing on variants that would surely sell very well just baffles me. I've come to look at Hot Toys as a take what you get and don't hope for much company.

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