Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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And for me this is what makes hot toys interesting, as to let's see what they put out. I thought there wouldn't be an 89 joker from them and yet here we are with it coming in sometime early next year. Batmobile i would say between summer-winter release so the only one that knows is hot toys themselves. Just can't wait to see what they'll come up with good and bad.
The hat never bugged me, but in these new pics it does.

It looks horrible :gah:

Try e-mailing them and tell them to fix it. You never know...they might think it's fine unless enough people tell them otherwise. Like we said a couple pages back, we shouldn't have to tell them, but never know. They're a hard company to read.

The sculpt is so amazing and PERS looks great here!

The hat never bugged me, but in these new pics it does.

Me to, I'm thinking the hat is sitting a bit to high and the size needs to be tweaked, but I'm not worried.

I can't believe Voorhees prefers Lambo's signature to mine. Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a Devil_666 "Lambo" watermark.

:lol :rotfl :lol :rotfl great movie!!

I have to disagree with that. Especially about the Returns figures for sure. I just don't see HT walking away from a sequel with so much potential for sales.

As far as more Jack Jokers are concerned I'd put money on it.

I think we will definitely see Returns figs...which ones is the question to ask given HT history.
And yet there's a 2.0 Joker from TDK coming soon. :lol

I think by the fact of them teasing the alternate Nicholson Joker looks alone makes it pretty clear that they have plans for more variations. I bet they milk the hell out of him but time will tell.

I hope they're variations I'm not interested in, like Uncle Bingo Mime Joker, so I don't have to buy any of them.

Could you elaborate on this?
Never mind. Seems I got my answer:

What about the little article with the pic of all the Nicholson Joker images on it and the "Think about the future?" headline? :huh

And as far as photos posted in articles, it's all fun and speculative stuff for readers but more often than not, merely gets your hopes up for things that never come to be. We've seen glimpses of T2 John Connor or T1 Sarah Connor with nothing to show for it, an article noted plans for DX Rocky YEARS ago, before DX Batman, still nothing.

I have not seen the photo's you guys are speaking of (I don't think). Can someone post them?

A little OT and I've never ordered from this site, but how cool si this t-shirt?


Wow, that is pretty rad.

...available for another 15 hours...
Could you elaborate on this?

I have not seen the photo's you guys are speaking of (I don't think). Can someone post them?


- Joker with glasses
- Bloody mouth
- Regular
- Smylex 1 Beach
- Smylex 2 Supermarket
- Museum "melting" face
- Museum regular flesh tone face
- Vicki's Apartment
- Joker/Jack Mobster flesh tone disguise
- Alicia's Apartment (African robes)
- Uncle Bingo
- Mob Joker with wiped off flesh make up on forehead
- Regular Mob Joker with flesh make up
- Joker robes, Alicia appartment, applying make up
- Jack Napier (wounded mouth)
- Jack Napier (Regular)
- Jack Napier (Grissom)
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This masterpiece of a figure really blows my mind, doesn't even look like it has PERS.
But the HS is sooooooo amazing it's hard for me to look at the hat...the eyes are perfect and I'm floored every time I see this.
Yeah true! :yess:

I believe I've done a beautiful thing by bypassing all the mud that HT have been flinging at collectors since whenever, & focusing on some of the real keepers in their catalogue - like the Arnolds, IMmk4, Spidey, BRJ.. & now CR Superman & the Burton knight & clown. I literally have a handful of figures.. & I like it that way.

Just the key pieces for me.. only a few more wants & I'm done. :)

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