I always have my full Tron setup displayed!

Just watched this for like the 20th time again. I pulled the trigger on the light cycle on eBay. Now I need to get Kevin Flynn at a decent price to compliment it.
It's a beautiful piece. I'll never part with mine. Best $300 i ever spent on HT.
Unfortunately mine was slightly over $300, so now I'm trying to figure out where to get my Kevin Flynn for a decent price. Also having a hard time determining in whether sellers have both color robes or what.
Well to be fair, i missed out when it was at retail, then it popped back in stock at SS for two days and i jumped at the chance.
Any brand new Flynn in box will come with both costumes. I have always been half tempted to pick up a second Kevin Flynn just to have both on display. But for now, i only have the white one on display. The other one is still in the box.
Well you just saved me a lot of time. The different listings and photos across all these sellers and stores make it seem like you have to pick one or the other, with the exception of some releases.
Looks like I'll be picking it up soon. But now you have me worried about wanting two.
No worries.
Always BUY two if you want two. It's a false economy to buy one and then parts. It will be close to $100 for the head. Then, at least $25 for a body, $40 for another base...
So if you *want* two, buy two. You can always sell off the "spare" clothing. You'd likely be able to sell the spare both the black set and the white set of robes for $40 each just on their own, clawing back $80 off your original cost.
Its not so much the hesitation on spending as much as it is I find it awkward to display two of the same guy right next to each other.
Normally I would be against it due to clustering up the display, but considering there are only two Tron figures I might just be able to get away with it. I probably won't be able to make a decision unless someone really convinces me of one before I get him in hand.
This is the kind of thing that makes me so pissed Tron 3 isn't happening. This line really needed to take off.
I know. I was upset when Tron Uprising never panned out either. It could have been so cool. And it just wasn't. Some cool parts. But nothing major.
As for Flynn, pull the trigger if you can. Plenty floating about brand new just above retail. And when you get it, you'll want the other look on display as i do.
There's a seller with two for sale at $250 each shipped. And i bet they would come down for a dual sale.
I always wanted that light cycle figure. I really enjoyed the film, it's too bad it didn't do as well to garner more interest in the figures. Would have loved a Quorra and another Sam.
So much promise in merchandise for this film with Hot Toys and Sideshow and then they barely made anything. So disappointing!
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