Super Freak
Funny thing is ......they'll sell......

The head sculpt looks amazing. It's probably constructed the same as Falconers.
Dude, are you forgetting it's Hot Toys? The same company who advertise the Mr. Black figure as being a whole inch/inch and a half taller than the final version and saying "Oh, uh, well, uh, see, uh, things like this happen in the factory.
After seeing all 3 Predator now I guess I´m gonna get´em all, cause they´re just...too...sweet.
Maybe...MAYBE even trying to custom Falconer then into a crouching position, like when he and his friends are revealed for the first time in the movie and also customizing the falcon the be fold and clipped on his shoulder.
Anyone done something like this b4?!
I remember really liking that pose, but you have so many threads I have no idea where to look.I have done this somewhat its really hard to do the pose. I would show you what my pose is but I'm on my phone I'm sure somebody can find the pic for me a lot of people like my poses
Is that picture making me want to buy an extra hound or two?
^ You can't understand how Hot Toys could mess up the dreads?
Dude, are you forgetting it's Hot Toys? The same company who advertise the Mr. Black figure as being a whole inch/inch and a half taller than the final version and saying "Oh, uh, well, uh, see, uh, things like this happen in the factory. We won't lower the price, or add anything to make up for it though. Sorry."
I don't hate HT, but some ____ they do really is ridiculous. All companies are like that though.. Look at SS's Big Chap pose and the Mr. Black Maquette exclusive head..etc.
I do love that Bio though.
128 for Dog??? PASS
Anyway I may be nutz but I think he looks fine with just the one... IMO... With 3 he looks like they may over power him at any time... Its not good when you pack so many dogs that you may become there next lunch.... LOL... But what do I know???
True . if the PredHounds had different heads , like closed mouth /semi closed mouth , then i think the Tracker would look good with 2 PredHounds , 3 is pushing it. Just to see that pic with 3 hounds all looking the same is retarded IMO![]()
I mean, I know you are right and I guess Im being naive but, the dreads are just that dreads, they just needed to be longer, thats like so unacceptable, I mean, the figures being shorter....fine....berserker's face not being accurate, whatever but, I see the dreads and really go wtf?
Is just hard for me to understand their reasoning,
ExactlyYeah. Sometimes its true that fans are big nitpickers. But the other side of the coin is how hard is it to get these things right in the first place? Hence I think Lar'ja's point about indifference on HT part. They know it'll sell either way so they're not gonna bother fixing anything that goes wrong or comes out differently than they may have planned.