It might be the euphoria of getting something you bought with your hard earned cash in the mail that does it
But some do prioritise accuracy some don't. It's just the way we are.
Probably means it looks as crap as the proto
Come on, prove me wrong HT.
My friend is Mark, one of the founders of One Sixth Republic.
But again, thats my opinion.
I got to know from my friend that Bane's coming out this Friday...
My friend is Mark, one of the founders of One Sixth Republic.
Mark said this Friday? That's soooooo quick. I really want Bane but I hate that Hot Toys are changing the dates on figures so drastically. DX12 moved up, Joker 2.0 moved back, Bane moved up. It's cool that I'll get Bane early but I'm really not financially ready for him yet. Wasn't planning on doing that until next monthwell played HT
As you know though, what you see with HT at pre-order is usually what you get. Best not to hope for much more than that.The thing with Bane though is that I don't think the proto reflects HT's abilities. They can do much better than that.
Hopefully they show that.
You're the US, so you probably won't have to worry about paying for Bane until February. Maybe the very end of January at the earliest. These usually hit the US @ 3-4 weeks after OMG posts his pics.