Hot Toys- 1/6 Avengers Thor

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no wednesday is taco night not sure what odin's having for dinner.....but if no thor release tommorow that's a failure in hot toy's marketing release's.......
So that makes today...

The Pagan calendar that we use today and its real meaning

The First Day: Sunday was named after the Sun god.

The second Day: Monday was named after the moon goddess.

The Third Day: Tuesday was named after the god Tyr.

The Fourth Day: Wednesday was named after the god Odin.

The Fifth Day: Thursday was named after the god Thor.

The Sixth Day: Friday was named after the goddess ******.

The Seventh Day: Saturday was named after the god Saturn.
The Pagan calendar that we use today and its real meaning

The First Day: Sunday was named after the Sun god.

The second Day: Monday was named after the moon goddess.

The Third Day: Tuesday was named after the god Tyr.

The Fourth Day: Wednesday was named after the god Odin.

The Fifth Day: Thursday was named after the god Thor.

The Sixth Day: Friday was named after the goddess ******.

The Seventh Day: Saturday was named after the god Saturn.

And in German:

Sunday = Sonntag
Monday = Montag
Tuesday = Dienstag (Tiwaz or Tyr)
Mittwoch = Wednesday
Donnerstag = Thursday (Donner = Thor)
Freitag = Friday
Samstag = Saturday (Sabbatai = Hebrew for Saturn)

All days correspond to their English equivalents except for Wednesday, the reason being that Charlemagne changed it to "Middle week" after conquering and baptizing the Saxons whose chief god was Wodan who had to be excised from history. He didn't manage to or bother changing the rest of the week, though.
Still no pics of Thor yet?
When they announced Avengers Captain America,the pics followed less than a week and then boom,up for sale. I wonder what the hold up is,besides the new Hulk pic.
TIME IS ALWAY'S AGAINST US..........THIS TIME i welcome the WAIT.......Gives us collector's time to replenish our so called SAVINGS.......
yes,Friday Aus time i reckon this will be up on facebook with PO on saturday... :)

well,i hope.
i thought we would of seen this last night i hope it gets revealed soon
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