Very true, and good point. They both worked for Jabba, and maybe just knew of each other by name. I guess I'm being hopeful to see a little Fett in the movie, period. Even 90 seconds like Vader in R1. I'm looking for a silver lining, because I'm not really loving Han & Lando being played by other actors. Feeling really iffy on the film after the mess TLJ was... Ever since 1983, I've been waiting to see my favorite characters again, and I personally feel it was a mistake for Disney/Lucasfilm to kill off Solo, before getting him back together with Luke & Leia one more time. The three heroes together one last time. I'm fine with introducing new characters for a new generation (being about merchandise and $$$$ really), but I (and I imagine a lot of OT fans, want to see our original characters). I would have made a Yoda movie, Fett movie and Luke Skywalker movie before I even thought about re-casting Solo & Calrissian. And an Obi-Wan film too. And yes, he's been recast, but Alec Guinness is unfortunately dead, and Ewan McGregor was IMO the only really good thing about the prequels.
So, long story short, just want to see some Fett...