Super Freak
Just for conversation’s sake, here’s an old pic I posted a while back of SSC V2 next to HT ROTJ fett:
HT is definitely capable of making a better figure, hopfully they can knock it out. Otherwise sticking with this guy for sure.
The V2 by far is strides ahead of the V1, flightsuit color and tailoring is perfected. It's paint job isn't BAD, it's pretty okay, but still suffers with a lime green helmet and armor green tones slightly off. With that said, HT's helmet sculpt (seen on ROTJ and previewed on ESB) is basically identical, suspiciously so. Probably a reused mold. So yes, I agree, if they can't nail the color down, it will be a useless upgrade as V2 is a good ESB. But, if they can pull off the right colors as the prototype seems to allude to what they're aiming for, HT will be the one to own. Not for any special accessories, or better tailoring or anything else, because none of that matters. Even a bare minimum Fett will do... but that color palette is what we've been missing so far. Which is kinda funny that ESB colors are so in particular, I don't think I've ever heard once anywhere someone complain about the reds used on ROTJ or even his greens. I guess it's just easier? Darker olive green armor...green helmet, red gauntlets, done. But ESB.. very specific green gauntlets, specific green armor (bonus points for weathered darker right chest armor plate, and darker chest diamond), specific lighter green helmet. It seems so much harder to get right.