I told my wife I wanted to buy a new car and she was like "stop buying so many figures every month." of course I argued and said//"like you buying all those Coach purses..waste...of money..haaa."
Ah... retirement. A pipe dream for me.
I’m damn close.
I'm pretty sure ZE retired once already himself.
I read about the psychology of collecting recently. Apparently the tipping point is 2 items. For most people 1 item will stay that way, but 2 will trigger collecting, apparently.
I don't want to retire but I would like to eventually slow way down to maybe something like 6 figs per year. After HT goes through all the costumes of the main OT characters I wonder what they do? A bunch of 2.0 stuff or some second and third tier characters?
Whatever they make, I assume a Billy Dee Williams Lando Calrissian figure will be last.
Honestly I'm sure it'll be much more than just different helmet and color. All the detailing will most likely be much better as well as the HT base body which makes for such better natural poses and stuff. If history repeats, Sideshows weapons will be better, but that's about it.
I really dont want it to be better since I've already paid full price for Sideshows V1 and V2 ESB Fett's, but that's wishful thinking right there lol