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Kevin Feige said she was going to be the face of the MCU and now that her movie domestically is the 7th highest grossing in the MCU (and still climbing) they are not going to change.
IF there is another Avengers film it's not going to be the Avengers as we know it now. There will not be a Iron man, Captain America and maybe no Thor or Hulk.

Endgame should be the end for the original team so we really have no idea who she would be the leader of yet

I have to say that after this main cast of Avengers is done, my interest in the MCU will wane even more so. I like the current characters as side characters, but I don’t have an interest in them enough to see them as the main focus.
I have to say that after this main cast of Avengers is done, my interest in the MCU will wane even more so. I like the current characters as side characters, but I don’t have an interest in them enough to see them as the main focus.

Even though I love all things MCU, there’s a chance that I’ll feel the same in a couple of years. But that’s the risk with any long term franchise.
I have to say that after this main cast of Avengers is done, my interest in the MCU will wane even more so. I like the current characters as side characters, but I don’t have an interest in them enough to see them as the main focus.

I love the current group but can't keep them around forever as they are not getting any younger. We don't want RGJ breaking a hip trying to suit up :lol.
We still have new X-Men, GotG, Deadpool, Black Widow and Fantastic 4 films coming along with whatever is left of the current MCU along with some cool MCU TV shows.
RDJ is starting to look a bit old to be wearing an Iron Man suit. Evans could probably keep going for a lot longer, but I'm not sure what new they could really do with this character at this point. I'm not totally convinced CM or BP have what it takes to lead the MCU just yet, but I'm at least intrigued by the possibility and potential of the idea. And after 10 years of Cap and Tony butting heads in their way, it'll be nice to see a different kind of dynamic there.
RDJ is starting to look a bit old to be wearing an Iron Man suit. Evans could probably keep going for a lot longer, but I'm not sure what new they could really do with this character at this point. I'm not totally convinced CM or BP have what it takes to lead the MCU just yet, but I'm at least intrigued by the possibility and potential of the idea. And after 10 years of Cap and Tony butting heads in their way, it'll be nice to see a different kind of dynamic there.

In a few years I would like to see one more Thor movie. Annihilius Wave, Beta Ray Bill and either Eternals/Fantastic Four having a part in the movie (set up Annihilus as the next big foe, Beta Ray Bill as the CGI Thor). Eternals could either be a guest appearance, or you could have Thor and Beta Ray Bill temporarily repelling the Annihilus Wave, with the battle somehow causing the creation of the fantastic four (Thor sends them back to Earth with Bi-frost.)
It's been an awesome run and there are plenty of movies to keep rewatching, but like Star Wars, I see the future being bleak, boring, and spearheaded by pushing the diversity agenda to humorous new heights.
It's been an awesome run and there are plenty of movies to keep rewatching, but like Star Wars, I see the future being bleak, boring, and spearheaded by pushing the diversity agenda to humorous new heights.

Everyone said GotG was going to bad also. I would give it a chance before writing it off. Star Wars problem is they are sticking to a storyline from 40 years ago. They would have been better off doing something without the Skywalkers like the Old republic.

The MCU will be building on stuff from now instead of the past and the same people will still be making the films, the films will feel like all the other MCU films there will just be new faces, worlds and stories. It will have it's ups and downs (dark world) but i can't see them not being fun IMO.
Same thing happened in the comics. They started pushing diversity for a long time. Sales were affected. I’ll miss the MCU after EG but I too don’t see it staying as strong.
Same thing happened in the comics. They started pushing diversity for a long time. Sales were affected. I’ll miss the MCU after EG but I too don’t see it staying as strong.

Yeah diversity is such a bad thing...if you are someone who thinks movies should be exclusionary.
Same thing happened in the comics. They started pushing diversity for a long time. Sales were affected. I’ll miss the MCU after EG but I too don’t see it staying as strong.

So if you don't have straight white male leads then it can't be a good film? Just asking not judging
People like to draw conclusions but what they're saying is they want a Marvel movie to be made because of a unique vision while also a part of a larger universe. What we don't want is:

"Okay time for a new movie. Any ideas?"
"Well, we haven't done Asians yet."
"Okay pull up the most popular Asian character and let's fast track it."
"Shang-Chi it is then."
So many positive reviews refer to bringing your daughter to Captain Marvel or little girls staring at the poster, etc. That's all great but let's not forget to give the character a fleshed out arc because as a 20-something man, that's why I went to see the movie. Not for the girl power stuff.

I think what a lot of people are saying is that they're not getting what they want out of these movies anymore and it is possible that the movie is not for "us" anymore.

I've had this discussion with my friends in the build-up to endgame. I really think Phase 4 MCU will no longer be directed at myself which is weird because I think the movies are really directed at people in the 25-35+ age range.

Think about the ages of the main Avengers. Who is asking for Spider-man in high school? Not high-schoolers. The people who were in high-school when they read Ultimate Spider-man. Who's directing these films? 25-35 mostly.

It seems like the focus is now shifting towards a younger demographic. After what they did with Fury's eye, literally turning it into a joke, and then the destruction of Asgard, another joke -- I think the MCU has already shifted away from me except for the Russo films.
It's been an awesome run and there are plenty of movies to keep rewatching, but like Star Wars, I see the future being bleak, boring, and spearheaded by pushing the diversity agenda to humorous new heights.

In general I couldn’t care less about the diversity agenda in film. If it does you, that’s a separate issue entirely. As far as I’m concerned if the end product is good it doesn’t bother me one bit. However if said agenda is a detriment to the story and it’s been forcefully inserted into the narrative, that’s when I have an issue. But the same could be said for any movie. The story comes first, everything after that is secondary and if you hamstring the story then you get a bad movie whether it was done for a so called agenda or not.

Most of the time I watch a film I don’t even notice said agenda driven politics unless someone points it out, and more often than not it’s a stretch to make any such connections.

However the comic medium isn’t the same as the rest of the entertainment industry, as it’s more niche and unfortunately imo it’s not conducive to being exposed to a wider demographic. As such it’ll be extremely difficult to get the needed readership numbers to keep a particular title alive. Heck I’m of Chinese decent and I’m not sure I’ll read any Marvel/DC Chinese superhero comics just for that. I’ll just read the usual mangas for that.
I'm 50 and most of my close friends are between 40 and 60. Most are huge fans and love the MCU. I can't recall anyone ever saying this is for kids or not for "us". They are just fun movies and i guess most of us don't read into things to much.

I am very laid back i have had white, black, asian, mexican, etc girlfriends and worked/work with gay, trans people etc in medical/firefighting. I work with women firefighters who are just as tough as men firefighters. So to me those people on the screen kicking as and taking names who are not the standard straight white males are normal in real life to me.

Like i said as long as the films are done well i don't care if it's a 80 year old mixed race transsexual in the lead.

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