^ This. They just rushed black widow and hawkeye to the front of the line. This most likely is going to be late july-mid august now.
I'm hoping that they are using durable rubber for it and it's articulation is like Inflame toys newest line like their Water Margin Wu Song. That body is upper rubber with a metal skeleton underneath except for the legs being full plastic ones like what HT uses. That kind of idea would be great and I won't have to worry about it tearing.^ Me too. Hate rubber bodies as you can't see the deterioration underneath their clothes, makes me paranoid that i have to check for cracks. I plan on posing him shirtless with the jacket on with his gun.
Yeah I agree Hellboy first. Though they could just hit us with a double release and give us both Hellboy and Alita in the same month. Much like how they just threw black widow and hawkeye out. Plus the Alita thread should get the release attention rather then this thread. Lol^ Who knows what's going on with that figure. Could be any number of things holding it up. If i had to choose though i would rather have hellboy first.
It was already delayed the first time as it was supposed to be out April-May but now it's due July-August.There?s zero chance this is on time
I would rather have it in July. As I said before it's not hard for them to release all of those figure at the same time as they have done it before in their shipping now images.I reckon August is a fair shout for it. What's it supposed to be before? Qui-Gon, Alita, Wasp, and one or two Avengers?
Im really tempted by this just as an awesome looking 1/6 figure, but man for me it is a total miss to have the torso be fully seamless. Should have been done like Drax, I mean most collectors will go for the iconic jacket look anyway. And you know that it is going to be a total pain trying to take his shirt/ jacket on and off with that body.
Godspeed to anyone planning on leaving him in a non-museum pose. But, I am generally a museum pose kinda guy so hence why I am tempted anyway lol.
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