^ I was thinking this too, a muscle torso but with jointed arms at the shoulders. Thing is i'm sure HT was thinking of how it would look shirtless, they had both looks in mind and figured it was the best way.
That's not really an excuse as they made a new body for Drax that had joints with a full torso.^ I was thinking this too, a muscle torso but with jointed arms at the shoulders. Thing is i'm sure HT was thinking of how it would look shirtless, they had both looks in mind and figured it was the best way.
I'm happy we got it. Lol just stating body could be better as seamless are easy to crack but hopefully they come up with better material. Already paid mine so its a matter of waiting. Also i don't believe it was bad for being too fateful i think they did a horrible job with the choice of story, I would have been more happy with a full Darkness Calls film or Wake the Devil. Or Something original that was it's own story if they actually went with the original concept of a Horror style film that would have been cool.With the movie being a financial bomb... Be happy we're getting this figure at all. I know I am.
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Yea I agree. What hurt the most, aside from no gdt or perlman, was the 16 producers with 2 being a real pain in the ass I read. I enjoyed the film and I don't think it deserves the **** end of the stick that it got. Harbour was great.I'm happy we got it. Lol just stating body could be better as seamless are easy to crack but hopefully they come up with better material. Already paid mine so its a matter of waiting. Also i don't believe it was bad for being too fateful i think they did a horrible job with the choice of story, I would have been more happy with a full Darkness Calls film or Wake the Devil. Or Something original that was it's own story if they actually went with the original concept of a Horror style film that would have been cool.
I'm actually watching it right now as i bought it on PS4. Lol trying to give it a second watch and analysis it and see what was good and where they messed up. I think Harbour did good but i never like the teen concept they do not in the del toro films or in this one.Yea I agree. What hurt the most, aside from no gdt or perlman, was the 16 producers with 2 being a real pain in the ass I read. I enjoyed the film and I don't think it deserves the **** end of the stick that it got. Harbour was great.
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I just watched it again last night. And my final opinion is this is such a great rental film, where you can just sit back and enjoy how sort of naff but cool it is. I mean I own it on 4k and have this on pre-order, and I'm glad I did. I love the look of and Hellboy himself, and the films not a work of art but it's still highly enjoyable, feels like a PS2 game turned into a film. Enjoyed it at the cinema, enjoyed it again.
I haven't watched this. I own it though (I'm a ***** for steelbooks). But I really agree that Hellboy deserves a shot as a Netflix or HBO series that doesn't care about universe ending scenarios, but rather just the week to week tasks of dealing with the supernatural and how BPRD tackles it.
Is there a good third party Ron Perlman Hellboy sculpt? Would consider getting this figure and swapping the head.
Is there a good third party Ron Perlman Hellboy sculpt? Would consider getting this figure and swapping the head.
I wish there was a more comic accurate sculpt like this. I'd definitely get the figure and swap heads then.
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