Glad I preordered mine. Uh-oh....
So is that it for ESB? Snowtrooper, Yoda and Hoth Leia...? HT is speeding into the expansive ROTJ: Jedi Luke, Emperor and Royal Guard, and Vader of course. That's it?
I think it's to do with not treading on Sideshow's toes - we get a Snowtrooper, which Sideshow did a while ago, Yoda (ditto) and then Hoth Leia which I think wouldn't have happened if Carrie hadn't, tragically, passed away. The Snowtrooper will help Sideshow sell the Snowtrooper Commander or whatever its called, and I think Yoda probably seemed like a good fit with Snowspeeder Luke. Sideshow did Hoth Luke and Han relatively recently, and rereleased ESB Fett, meaning HT had to do ROTJ Fett instead of the ESB version and maybe that Holiday Special ROTJ Fett repaint

yuck) if it ever goes up for preorder.
So they've skipped doing ESB in depth and gone straight to ROTJ, whose 35th anniversary is next year, when the figures will probably ship. They've also got THREE new Star Wars films in 18 months to make figures for (TLJ, Han Solo, Episode IX). There's no way HT wouldn't do more ESB figures:
Hoth Chewie
ESB Threepio with net
ESB Vader
Dagobah Vader
Bespin Han
Hoth Han and Luke
Bespin Luke revisited (with backpack and Yoda?)
ESB Fett
... and of course Lando.
It's the usual waiting game, but any of those - with the exception of Lando - have in-built fanbases and OCD collector stalkers (Vader collectors, Fett nuts etc). They'll all get made, in fact I think they'll be the last great line of figures, out in time for ESB 40th, before Star Wars goes on hiatus for a few years.