They also had TFA Han and Chewie as being last September as well. I think those came out in February? Just don't really trust that site with their dates.
I really want one of those $50 coupons that Sideshow keeps flaunting... but I don't think I've bought enough from them in the last few years to qualify. Which sucks because the main reason for my cutback is the I'm in CA and get nailed with tax. Us Californians could really use the $50.
I received one those $50 coupons last week, but of course I receive it AFTER I PO the M8 John Lennon figure.
Guess I'll have to wait to see what HT's SDCC reveals are before I can use it, since it doesn't appear to have an expiration date on it, surprisingly.
A friend of mine got a $100 coupon code!
Is this $50 coupon code only for the US ? Has anyone from Canada or other parts of the world getting this coupon code?
No $50 coupon for me. I suppose I don't order that much either, just like maybe 2-4 figures a year, and use points, coupons and gift cards with most orders.
But yes, Hoth Leia is just what I was going to order if I got one. I have the Snowie coming in a couple of weeks supposedly, so hopefully it'll have the $20 coupon that I can use on Leia.
I've seen some say that the expiration date is June 30, but I don't have one so I can't say for sure. Maybe someone can chime in some more on that?