Fantastic! Will be getting the other big 3. That WW sculpt looks new.
Yes!! Superman is lighter blue, love it. Obviously that sculpt is just a placeholder and I'd expect the rest of the figure to be improved during production.
It does look sharp! It looks like all the colors are more vibrant as well. That symbol is popping.
I'm gunna be real bitter if we end up getting this JL batmobile instead of the BVS one they showed. It was so much more sleek and mean without all the guns and mad max canopy.
Although I suspect most will be bitter if we end up getting this batmobile instead of the '66 haha
I'm gunna be real bitter if we end up getting this JL batmobile instead of the BVS one they showed. It was so much more sleek and mean without all the guns and mad max canopy.
Although I suspect most will be bitter if we end up getting this batmobile instead of the '66 haha
I'm gunna be real bitter if we end up getting this JL batmobile instead of the BVS one they showed. It was so much more sleek and mean without all the guns and mad max canopy.
Although I suspect most will be bitter if we end up getting this batmobile instead of the '66 haha