Super Freak
Trailer does indeed look great. I have a hunch Flash is going to steal the show and be the darling of the film.
Trailer does indeed look great. I have a hunch Flash is going to steal the show and be the darling of the film.
Yeah, but I've got to say that Aquaman still looks like fun, but Flash... With the TV show being so perfect (imo) I thought they would struggle to get something different that also resonated. Looks so far like they've done it.I thought Aquaman but after the last couple of trailers I'm inclined to agree with you. Flash looks awesome...well they all do really.
Yeah, but I've got to say that Aquaman still looks like fun, but Flash... With the TV show being so perfect (imo) I thought they would struggle to get something different that also resonated. Looks so far like they've done it.
And yeah, casting all of this in the shadow of Superman's death without hinting at his (obviously inevitable) return is a good choice.
Yeah, but I've got to say that Aquaman still looks like fun, but Flash... With the TV show being so perfect (imo) I thought they would struggle to get something different that also resonated. Looks so far like they've done it.
And yeah, casting all of this in the shadow of Superman's death without hinting at his (obviously inevitable) return is a good choice.
I was thinkin' the same!Even though the scene at the beginning of the trailer with Lois seeing Clark's silhouette just idly standing out in the cornfield in the sunrise is apparently just a dream sequence, I actually think that would be a great way to introduce him in showing that he's come back, but instead, have it be his mother, Martha, who sees him from the kitchen window and begins to cry, with the same, MoS Clark Kent score playing in the background. I think it'd be a nice little nod to the 1978 STM, where Martha just saw Clark idly standing out in the wheat field before he headed north.
I was thinkin' the same!
Unfortunately that's too smart for modern superhero films.
As much as I like the Flash costume, I hope it's further upgraded for the Flashpoint movie so the plates are closer together and more streamlined and the shoulders aren't as bulbous. When Flash and Reverse Flash square off they should looks like they are in futuristic super high performance racing suits. Bringing that kind of futuristic, colorful Formula 1 racing car aesthetic can actually set the Flash movies apart as the characters and tech can be more vibrant and cutting edge in ways not seen in other superhero movies.
Not sure that's entirely true. We already had a homage to S:TM with the role reversal alley fight in Wonder Woman. Barry's jacket in JL is intentionally similar to the one young Clark wore in that movie not to mention the numerous nods to TDKR comic throughout BvS.
Maybe we shouldn't automatically assume it's a dream anyway. A few theories out there already think it could be from the end of the movie and they cut to that shot of Lois waking to make it appear a dream sequence for the purposes of the trailer. Apparently Whedon has form for this and I'm assuming it was him that put this trailer together.
That's true regarding it potentially being at the end of the film. In the midst of a threat, I don't see Clark broaching the topic of the ring. Seems like something that would happen at the end of the film, probably after having noticed that she's wearing it. Not to mention both MoS and BvS also closed out with a touching scene that had that Hans Zimmer Clark Kent score, so I could see the ring scene taking place at the end of the film.
However, I still think what I described would be a great way for Martha to realize that he's come back.
As much as I like the Flash costume, I hope it's further upgraded for the Flashpoint movie so the plates are closer together and more streamlined and the shoulders aren't as bulbous. When Flash and Reverse Flash square off they should looks like they are in futuristic super high performance racing suits. Bringing that kind of futuristic, colorful Formula 1 racing car aesthetic can actually set the Flash movies apart as the characters and tech can be more vibrant and cutting edge in ways not seen in other superhero movies.
Even though the scene at the beginning of the trailer with Lois seeing Clark's silhouette just idly standing out in the cornfield in the sunrise is apparently just a dream sequence, I actually think that would be a great way to introduce him in showing that he's come back, but instead, have it be his mother, Martha, who sees him from the kitchen window and begins to cry, with the same MoS Clark Kent score playing in the background. I think it'd be a nice little nod to the 1978 STM where Martha saw Clark's silhouette in the sunrise idly standing out in the wheat field before he headed north.