Super Freak
I want the bat signal
With the way they're keeping Superman a secret in any promotional material for the film, I don't expect to see him up for PO until some time after the film.
I want the bat signal
If his reappearance is well received I wondered if HT might put him up soon after the movies release to capitalise on that hype.
Still predicting Cyborg to be next if any others are shown before the 17th and WW to be last. Of course the order they actually release in is anybody's guess.
Also, Superman with a new Henry head sculpt...with removable mustache!
I wouldn't be surprised to see regular JL Batman come with some sort of reaper gargoyle base. Even if it isn't full scale.
I just want all the hyperbole and crap talking/overtly false rumours and clutching at straws around the DC films to stop - they're incredibly annoying. For example the rumours of Wonder Woman being a complete mess, all the rumours about Ben Affleck etc.
Really hoping this does well comercially as well as financially, there's far more good in the films than bad, Affleck as Batman and Wayne is fantastic, Wonder Woman is great, the tone is great,, really hoping this one hits the mark!
I'm hearing initial responses are positive. So that's awesome. I'm seeing it on Wednesday ! Can't wait !
Most reactions seem 'fun but flawed' which is at least a big step forward from what they said about BvS.. though personally I still really enjoy that movie. No surprise that the biggest criticism they have is the pacing and how it feels rushed. Less than 2 hours was never gonna be enough to tell so much story, hope we get an extra 30 minutes on the blu-ray release.
Good news is all the heroes seem to be getting a lot of praise for their performances and the team chemistry. Can't wait to see it.
Put it this way: Thor: Ragnarok currently holds a 93% rating on RT from critics. I personally enjoyed the film, but 93%? I fully expect JL to likely be better than it, and if JL ends up getting a rotten score, then at what point can we start considering the possibility of a MCU bias?
As I mentioned, I really enjoyed T3, but to basically say it was a gold brick I think is a bit of a hyperbole.
Personally, I wonder how these people even land on 4/5 stars, 3/5 stars, 93%, 74%, etc. To me it's simple: did you enjoy it or not? As long as I enjoyed the film overall, then I don't really sit there and give it a percentage rating or a letter grade. For me it's either I enjoyed it, thought it was simply ok, or couldn't really get into it.
I seem to be generally easier to please than many people on here though.