Hot Toys 1/6 Predator 2: What do you guys think?

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dekadentdave said:
And THAT GB is the same reason why I overlooked the flaws in the Aliens Warrior. It was just too kickass to keep me from buying.

Im always impressed everytime I see a pic of the Aliens warrior. I usually have to do a double take and remind myself that it's just a figure, it just looks so awesome and imposing.
Did you pre-order the Aliens HT figure, Nash?

That one looks to be even better. I'm getting one.

yo Tin, I didnt preorder one yet, but i'll definitely get one or two when they're out. I figure there will be no shortage of them, so no sense in tying up funds right away.
I pre-ordered through SST. You don't have to pay for it up front.

It and the Predator 2 are the only two pre-orders I've ever made through Sideshow.

Hope it will be a good experience. hehe
dekadentdave said:
And THAT GB is the same reason why I overlooked the flaws in the Aliens Warrior. It was just too kickass to keep me from buying.

And that DD is why I enjoy my Yavin Luke, he looks great and displays well (to me) even with flaws.

See, we are not so different you and I :lol
I usually order or buy through dealers since their prices are better than what sideshow offers. Most of them however have a cancelation fee.
I like all the Predators. This one has that unique lobster look about him. I'm diggin the colours. I don't know how youse intend to bulk him up, he's hardly wearing any armour at all. Particularly his mini apron is half the reason he looks so lanky.
I saw this guy in Hong kong last week , and I have to saw in the "flesh" he did not look lanky at all and actually looked like the best Pred I have seen to date I will definitly be getting this one !
I dont think you could fix the predator helmets, because the problem is with the entire head, the predators own forehead is not shaped correctly and thus the helmet is shaped incorrectly to match.

And i'm not saying figures have to be perfect, it's just theres certain things you wanna see done right when theres no reason they shouldn't be. THe predators head, and his mask are the most visually appealing and well known parts of the character, so to do them incorrectly is noticable. Add to the fact that its simply oversized for the body is a mistake. It's the same complaint people have for the likes of sideshow luke. That likeness is spectacular, but his expression and the size of his head compared to the body surely puts some people off, theres no real reason for it, it just is. Its an obvious mistake but its too late to fix.

THats why i'd hope for hot toys to fix the predator 2, but at this point i doubt it. In the end, alot of hte 12 figs i own are by far from perfect, but the key with them is none of them have one major obvious flaw that holds them back to the point of being noticably bad. At least not a flaw that can't be fixed. With my hot toys superman he really just needed paint on the face and bam its a perfect figure, same for medi wolverine. My sideshow star wars figures needed a touch up here or htere a costume refitting etc and bam they look perfectly good. Nothings gonna be perfect movie accurate as you say, but that doesnt mean we should ignore the obvious mistakes just cause the rest is fantastic. And thats not to say nobody should like the figure, but to deny that hte heads to big, or mishaped would be incorrect and thats all im saying.

Say you lvoe the figure as is, thats fine, just dont say its got nothing wrong with it, and im not saying you are doing that, but i was a little worried you might from your first comment, and i've seen that happen from other folks on this board about figures (like the great medi debate), a willingness to defend a flawed figure and unwillingness to admit it has mistakes because of dedication to one or other different elements.
I understand everyone has their gripes and that's fine and all but c'mon...we were BEGGING Hot Toys to make the Predator 1 & 2 Preds after the AvP ones were shown and here comes one of them! :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5
I'm buyin' one for sure.

I refused to buy any AVP Preds b/c I really hated AVP--just a cluterf@#k when you consider how long that film was in the pre-production hell (*cough* Superman Returns) and how much great source marterial they had in the comic books (*cough* Superman Returns). But NOW it looks like I'm picking up my first Hot Toys Predator, the Asian Exclusive, just so he can stand with the Predator from 2 in comparison.

I also hope some of my $$$ goes to making a fig of this guy:
Bardoon said:
I understand everyone has their gripes and that's fine and all but c'mon...we were BEGGING Hot Toys to make the Predator 1 & 2 Preds after the AvP ones were shown and here comes one of them! :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

Pretty much how I feel about it, too. Yeah, we can all find fault with it, and it's not gonna be exactly what each of us would like it to be. But when we have it in our hands I think a lot of our gripes will probably seem less important and we'll be damn glad to have this figure in our collections. I really hope that's the case, anyway.
Meh, the Hot Toys Predator 2 is alright. Needs a beefer body though. If they did that, it would be a guaranteed purchase for me.
It's an easy choice. Buy this one, or NEVER own one. If you think they'll remake it down the road, you're cuckoo for cocoa puffs.:D Can't wait for this one!
just read that thread for the first time...You know, people who thinks the Hot toys predators have too much a big head are probably those who never own one of them..I was one of those nay-sayers long ago..that is until the Scar and the celtic predator came on my door step (too bad I sold them long ago).The proportions are ok in hand.

The Hot Toys Predators are the greatest figure ever made in 1/6 format of all time.IMO.

There is a reason why these figures are worth so much on the after market..they are f'n awesome !!!
Shai Hulud said:
just read that thread for the first time...You know, people who thinks the Hot toys predators have too much a big head are probably those who never own one of them..I was one of those nay-sayers long ago..that is until the Scar and the celtic predator came on my door step (too bad I sold them long ago).The proportions are ok in hand.

The Hot Toys Predators are the greatest figure ever made in 1/6 format of all time.IMO.

There is a reason why these figures are worth so much on the after market..they are f'n awesome !!!

:rock :rock :rock
Shai Hulud said:
The Hot Toys Predators are the greatest figure ever made in 1/6 format of all time.IMO.

There is a reason why these figures are worth so much on the after market..they are f'n awesome !!!

My Hicks figure just whispered that in my ear.
customizerwannabe said:
It's an easy choice. Buy this one, or NEVER own one. If you think they'll remake it down the road, you're cuckoo for cocoa puffs.:D Can't wait for this one!
Trust me, I would if I could. ;) But seeing as how I'm only 15 years old, no income, I pretty much have to make a priority list until I either;
A. Get a job with income. Maybe lawn mowing, though in this Summer heat, I'd be lucky to finish just both my front and back lawns without keeling over from the heat or my allergies.:rolleyes:
B. Win a ****load of money.

That and I'm pretty lucky to have gone as far as I have, even though I don't have much.:monkey2

@Shai: It's not so much the head as it is the body. In Predator 2, the one Danny Glover was fighting was pretty big. I do have to agree about the Scar Predator, though I prefer the Blister Exclusive Ancient Elder Predator, the impaled Alien head on the spear just sells it, for me. :D