Hot Toys 1/6 Predator 2: What do you guys think?

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Jedi_Knight Rob said:
It's not so much the head as it is the body. In Predator 2, the one Danny Glover was fighting was pretty big. I do have to agree about the Scar Predator, though I prefer the Blister Exclusive Ancient Elder Predator, the impaled Alien head on the spear just sells it, for me. :D

I'm probably just repeating myself here, but I think the P2 may look quite a bit different in hand than in the pics. Btw, I also really like the Blister Exclusives, both the SSC and the Asian version. Even though the Ancient Preds were only in the brief flashback scene for a few seconds, they are definitely cool figures. They weren't actually "Elders", tho. The robed Pred at the end of the movie was the only Elder. I think somebody goofed on the product name and that's what everyone started calling them. The boxes only say "Ancient Predator". :D
Shai Hulud said:
just read that thread for the first time...You know, people who thinks the Hot toys predators have too much a big head are probably those who never own one of them..I was one of those nay-sayers long ago..that is until the Scar and the celtic predator came on my door step (too bad I sold them long ago).The proportions are ok in hand.

The Hot Toys Predators are the greatest figure ever made in 1/6 format of all time.IMO.

There is a reason why these figures are worth so much on the after market..they are f'n awesome !!!
I've got 4 of them, Number 5 will arrive sometime today :)D), and the heads are a little too large even for AVP Preds. If the dreads are laid down correctly, they look much better but it's still noticeable.
But I agree, they are some of the greatest 1/6 figures ever manufactured.
I'm not sure I subscribe to the "AvP Big Head Theory" as although , yes , the figures heads ARE on the large side but check out the DVD extras and I think you'll find that the proportion/scale is pretty close . O.k , not exactly the same , but producing a 1/6 scale version of a 1/1 figure is not just a case of reducing the original to a sixth of it's size , all sorts of factors come into play such as materials involved , production techniques and simple aesthetics . Also,the way the human brain responds to and processes the head/face of humans and animals is different to how it processes non-organic shapes and all this has to be considered when producing a miniature . And no , the H.T Predator 2 is NOT too skinny either!:D
Mudshark said:
I'm probably just repeating myself here, but I think the P2 may look quite a bit different in hand than in the pics. Btw, I also really like the Blister Exclusives, both the SSC and the Asian version. Even though the Ancient Preds were only in the brief flashback scene for a few seconds, they are definitely cool figures. They weren't actually "Elders", tho. The robed Pred at the end of the movie was the only Elder. I think somebody goofed on the product name and that's what everyone started calling them. The boxes only say "Ancient Predator". :D
Maybe. Agreed, though I wish they'd get the rights to the original Predator movie and make the Predator and the whole squad of commandos, definately a big money-maker for HT right there!:D And meh about the regular Elder Predator. For some reason he just seems boring to me, not like the other AvP Predators or the P2 Predator.

Alright, Mud, you've convinced me! I'll pick up one of those babies and hopefully HT will make the P1 Predator(The coolest) for me to display right along side it!

BTW Did anyone know that the P2 Predator's battle staff was stolen from the movie set back in 1990?
Jedi_Knight Rob said:
Maybe. Agreed, though I wish they'd get the rights to the original Predator movie and make the Predator and the whole squad of commandos, definately a big money-maker for HT right there!:D And meh about the regular Elder Predator. For some reason he just seems boring to me, not like the other AvP Predators or the P2 Predator.

Alright, Mud, you've convinced me! I'll pick up one of those babies and hopefully HT will make the P1 Predator(The coolest) for me to display right along side it!

Always happy to bring another Predator collector on board... you won't be disappointed! And rest assured we are all waiting for HT to make the P1 Predator! The P2 is just a warmup for the grand finale, or so we hope. Btw, if you think the Elder is nothing much, then just have a peek at what FiguremasterLes did with his...






Don't know about you, but I'd kill to have an Elder like this one!!!